Mappinghell Red Eclipse clan. (What we need to know from you.)

Started by Boognish, June 26, 2012, 01:26:31 AM

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How should we approach this?

Create a sub-clan, have the way you can get into the sub-clan be different than it is on Sauerbraten.
3 (50%)
Create sub-clan, make it so you can only enter if you have sufficient mapping skills (Like sauer)
0 (0%)
Don't create a sub-clan, keep everything the same.
3 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 5


I've become pretty active in the RE community, and there are a lot of awesome guys on that game who really want to learn mapping. Mappinghell is in fact, a Red Eclipse clan, but it is difficult for us to hold RE players to the same standards as Sauerbraten players.

So heres the poop, I was thinking we should make a sub-mappinghell clan for Red Eclipse. It would be ran a little different from Sauer-mappinghell, as not all RE mappers can make inverted tetrahydrons out of quark cubes. The applicant will be accepted if hes fun to hang around with (not annoying, elitist, or an asshole) and wishes to improve/learn mapping.
In this topic, Qreeves mentions Mappinghell as a possible mapping clan, although we haven't really done anything to invite anyone to MH. Hopefully, unless any of you guys think we should go about this differently, we'll be able to fix that with this sub-clan. :kirby:


If you can provide another idea or a reasoning for your vote, please do.


I like the idea and maybe we should do something like that for the sauerbraten side too


I think there should only be one clan, but it should properly advertise that it is a sauerbraten, red eclipse, tesseract, sandbox AND OTHERS clan (xonotic? quake1/2/3? valve stuff?), maybe with a large graphic banner that would go somewhere in the joining section, or maybe an about section that would describe the clan. The banner could have all the game logos, and an in-game screenshot collage.


Quote from: vampirefrog on July 02, 2012, 12:09:20 PM
I think there should only be one clan, but it should properly advertise that it is a sauerbraten, red eclipse, tesseract, sandbox AND OTHERS clan (xonotic? quake1/2/3? valve stuff?), maybe with a large graphic banner that would go somewhere in the joining section, or maybe an about section that would describe the clan. The banner could have all the game logos, and an in-game screenshot collage.

good idea!! ;D

im thinking about mapping in half life 2 (/valve stuff) after i finished my current cube 2 maps, but i could stay in MH of course!  :-*
i would help with the banner if u want!
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."


Quote from: vampirefrog on July 02, 2012, 12:09:20 PM
I think there should only be one clan, but it should properly advertise that it is a sauerbraten, red eclipse, tesseract, sandbox AND OTHERS clan (xonotic? quake1/2/3? valve stuff?), maybe with a large graphic banner that would go somewhere in the joining section, or maybe an about section that would describe the clan. The banner could have all the game logos, and an in-game screenshot collage.

Would the way to join the clan differ from any of those games?

I'm still not sure holding RE mappers to the same standards as Sauer mappers would bode very well, nor am i sure how we would judge Xonotic mappers on skill when their mapping program is much different than sauers.


You judge based on their creative skills.

The mapping process may be different, but the outcomes are not all that dissimilar.

( It also doesn't take long to go from Sauer to Xonotic ( as an example ) editing wise. There is a bit of a learning curve, but you can transfer all of your artistic skills almost instantly once you learn the workflow )

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put your sister and I side by side.

Heav’n hath no rage like love to hatred turn’d, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d.



If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put your sister and I side by side.

Heav’n hath no rage like love to hatred turn’d, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d.