The Clanmap Thread

Started by Sweet, November 22, 2011, 03:58:43 PM

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This thread will be for distributing the clanmap and creating guidelines for editing and sharing.

Every time you update the map, please upload here.

Guidelines for editing:

You MAY edit by yourself. When doing that, please do it online, so you don't edit offline while somebody else also edits offline, creating two different version of the map. Preferably, use Jim Dandy, but you are free to use whatever server, as long as it's public and any MH member can see that you are editing the map. This may be edited for certain circumstances.

Guidelines for downloading the map:
The Texture pack used in the map will have a different thread. It may be updated, please have the most recent version when possible. When running a map with custom texture, you will need a config file that specifies which textures are in the map. Unless new textures are added, this will not change. It is not your job to update the config file (mapname.cfg), I will likely update it. It goes into your packages/base folder.

Guidelines for uploading the map:
As said before, every time you have made a change for the map, you may upload it here. A more efficient system may be implemented later. When uploading the map, upload the .ogz file (mapname.ogz) file only. The .cfg file will be updated separately, as will the texture pack.

Screenshots are ideal, but are not essential.









You think the map will become rather large after a while? I was thinking if it will end up becoming a HUGE map... it would be best to try and avoid using any vcommands in the map.

Instead, add texture slots in the map config for things like "texscale", "texrotate", "texcolour" (these are the same as vscale, vrotate, vcolor) and etc.

I noticed a while ago that vcommands affect the maps filesize alot.  If you manipulate textures via the map config, it doesn't increase the map's size at all.

One example, i had a map around 150k wrt... with alot of vcolor, the map itself was  2.6mb. I stripped out all the vcommands and the map size shrunk to 700kb.

Just thought it would be worth mentioning. Because after a while it may be impossible to /sendmap or /getmap on public servers due to the filesize limit of 10mb.
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Sure. First, we should probably just try to avoid those entirely. But yeah, if you need something like that, we can add it to the config easily.


layout 1 texture

I placed it in packages/mh




Can you do a .cfg now? I'm having trouble with my textures.


Quote from: Sweet on November 22, 2011, 09:22:39 PM
Can you do a .cfg now? I'm having trouble with my textures.

What are you having trouble with? I might be able to help out.
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map + cfg
the cfg makes sure there is only one textures. for there can be only one. should fix sweet's problem


so, like, this is one of the dungeon levels, and we'll of course have many more. It's based on squares, and we can define some modular shapes that we just paste around later on.

I'm also thinking - next, descending caves, maybe with channels that get tighter and tighter, until you have to swim. I wish sauer had drowning >_>

Also, monsties would be nice.


oh and a nice underground village (using unixfreak's nighttime cottage textures), in the middle of a huge cave, but the cave's ceiling has little glowy bits (we'll use a glowmap) that make it feel like it's a starry nighttime.

we can write somewhere in the graveyard 'for the world is hollow and i have touched the sky'

So, I was thinking we'll make many villages like this, and in each village, each member can have his/her house, but each village is a different style. maybe we can roleplay later


Sounds good

Maybe everybody builds in a time era that they do well with?


I was thinking of using another engine, such as red eclipse, or something else, in order to take advantage of nice features like opening doors and such. We can also try to make a small project on each engine, and if it doesn't work out, we just copy/ paste it back into sauer, to recycle work.


Let's *start* with Sauerbraten, though


we're going to start several times, as we make the dungeons in separate maps each.


I was thinking of making the underground village in such a way that there are *many* houses upon rolling hills, but you can't really walk to those houses, as the road that takes you through the village only goes through a couple of houses (and access to the rest of the houses is clipped), that way you get a nice vista of the village while walking through the middle of it. It can use the night-time cottage textures that unixfreak provided.

There is a spot in sonic generations, in the Rooftop Run level ( see ), in which you are dropping from a tower, and you can see all of the houses' roof tops below, and there is a DOF effect, so they become less blurry as you approach them. I thought that was a pretty awesome effect, and also made me realize not all of the houses need to be explorable (think: venice or berlin_wall maps). They can be there just for making the map look complete. So I was thinking - underground village, a few explorable houses (maybe each member can have a house), and a lot of unexplorable houses, that would make you feel like you're in the middle of the village, and also create really nice vistas.



I wonder if eihrul can add DOF to sauer


Quote from: vampirefrog on November 23, 2011, 05:20:49 PM
I wonder if eihrul can add DOF to sauer

yes you do

no he won't

I bet $100 (you wont get it even if you win)


Don't bet him that money. Transfer it directly to Eihrul as an incentive.

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put your sister and I side by side.

Heav’n hath no rage like love to hatred turn’d, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d.



You guys, we can work on this simultaneously, just make your own dungeon level, and we'll connect them together later through stairs and teleports and jump pads (I love huge jump pads).

Or make a house and we'll stick it in the village. Or just come up with ideas.


Ill work on my giant 'map' when I have time. :)

I'm thinking we should put the map in the floor under a pane of glass. The 'You Are Here' part will match the shape of the room you are standing in, but that's about it.

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put your sister and I side by side.

Heav’n hath no rage like love to hatred turn’d, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d.



so im going to build a small dungeon level with any theme and then post it here right?



Is this map still being worked on?
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