Clan projects

Started by vampirefrog, October 21, 2011, 12:04:52 PM

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Ok guys, it's time we started some clan projects. As far as I've seen, there have been several clan projects made by other clans, and our own too. I think we should first list those, and describe each one. Let's gather as much info about past clan projects in this thread as possible. Then, based on those, let's brainstorm some new clan project ideas. We can come up with either something similar to the other projects (a classic), or some new awesome ideas. Point is - everyone has some sort of personal style or preference, and a project should allow everyone to do what they like on the same map, so I'm thinking - maybe a huge map? Also, not ALL the clan members need to work on a project. Whoever opts in. But first things first.

1. Gather information on past projects.
2. Brainstorm new project ideas
3. Choose best idea (there will be several, but we need to start with one. the other ideas will be kept for future projects, or we can start several parallel projects)
4. Make a sketch-up (on paper, ms paint, anything but cube2)
5. Make large layout in sauer
6. Start adding details
7. Finish it up.
8. Relax :tails:

We can also add to this list - maybe make a movie with the finished map, maybe make a story (machinima). Who knows.


shouldn't we also like list our personal editing style?
Just thinking it might effect contribution to a project..

P.S i like the idea of a 'cube' movie.


Quote from: Leo on October 21, 2011, 12:20:56 PM
shouldn't we also like list our personal editing style?
Just thinking it might effect contribution to a project..
Good idea!

Quote from: Leo on October 21, 2011, 12:20:56 PM
P.S i like the idea of a 'cube' movie.
I'm not sure if machinima-type movies are possible with sauerbraten, maybe other cube2-based games, but fly-throughs should be real easy to make.


My editing style:

A combination of Greek and Contemporary.

My exteriors can be nice, but often times, the interiors can look cartoony.

I like to create intricate accents to most aspects of a home or building.

What I want out of a clan project:

Map where everybody can build something

NOT uniform or boring in any way

Perhaps an underground cavern system, or something of that sort.


We could just make a seperate catorgory (Like the introduce yourself area) for editing style but that is a bit over the top.

My Style:
I enjoy trying to make stuff I see in real life. For example, I was at a show house one time, I got home and made it in Sauer. I've tried to make my own house, but got confused with Real life to cube ratio... ;D

In LeoSlide and Leoton I used a more cartoon feeling to it, I also tend to try to stick to a certain set of textures..So olden day maps have rustic textures etc etc etc

I try to keep lighting simple as well, a skylight and a few normal lights, no neon colored thingsss.
With geometry I try to keep stuff smooth, not very intricate details. Unless it is things you may find in real life (electronics, furniture etc).


I have every dimension of my house on paper. It's a bit strange at some points due to very slightly angled walls.

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put your sister and I side by side.

Heav’n hath no rage like love to hatred turn’d, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d.

Lazy Kat

(If I was in)

     My Style:

Medieval style editing.
Torture sytle
Will go along with any edit, just as long as I'm good at it :P
Meowy Chwysmiss


Ok, so recently I started a Collection map of stuff I've learnt, made etc. I guess it shows my style.
Anyway there is also a Small ctf Style area that me and a guy called Fatbastard made(Don't judge it..its my first CTF). I did all textureing, curved geometry, I fixed the stairs (they didn't work), and the walkway parts of it.


And the Ctf thing isn't complete yet. Mainly cause I've only met Fatbastard once.. :)


And has anyone done a Real to Cube length ratio?
Like how high should my kitchen sink be? (In cube)

Also take into consideration that Cube Avatars are quite short..


The ogros in cube are actually taller than a regular human. Just go to your kitchen, see how high the sink is compared to your body, and try that size with the playermodels. They only need to look proportionate. I've been doing this sort of door that fits, 3 cubes wide and 5 cubes tall (you can figure out the gridsize). Indeed, if we're going to make realistic buildings, it's good to know that in sauer, due to the movement speed, things tend to be made bigger by beginner builders. If you go in third person, you can see this on many "official" maps.


I vote: old style mansion


but im not going to to the chandeliers or the pretty little curve details things.


mX started a mansion project, not sure if they finished it. We could collaborate with them. My opinion - a nice idea. Though we're jumping straight to a creative idea, without analyzing first what was in the past. Well whatever. We can do that as we go along. Let's start gathering reference pics, and figure out a layout.


no its not finished at all
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."


Mount Vernon

Home of George and Martha Washington


I'm starting to think more like Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's Home)






That sex was so good it was presidential


how about the Winchester house? also its haunted house


Quote from: Mr.Fixxit694 on October 24, 2011, 08:23:35 PM
how about the Winchester house? also its haunted house

I think that's actually really neat.

We could call it the Windecker house ^^

I vote for this.


well i try to find blueprints of the house but i didn't come cross any so if we do plan on making this house we are going to have to make our own blueprint using google map or something


stanley hotel, believed to be haunted.
Actually about 3 hours away from my home ^^


I suggest searching for a house until you find one with blueprints. Alternately, we could just take the rough plan and just make the rest up as we go.
Quote from: Mr.Fixxit694 on October 24, 2011, 09:25:24 PM
well i try to find blueprints of the house but i didn't come cross any so if we do plan on making this house we are going to have to make our own blueprint using google map or something


well I'm happy to make the blueprint for the house i have the software to do it with but i want to know first if this the house we are going with or if we even going to do a house at all but if people need to see a blueprint first before saying yes then i can go on ahead and make the blueprint now.



I have a fetish with trying to make maps from other games.  ;D Something i had in mind was to start on trying to recreate shadow moses (from metal gear solid, a playstation 1 game).

A few simple (low colour) aerial views of the first 2 sections below

First level:

And then the top of the elevator (second level):

Lots of screenshots elsewhere of other parts of the island. I might start an attempt at it tomorrow  ;D But just an idea.

edit: ..... and other than that i love blood death fire and gothic styled things.
Join the Red Eclipse discord!


That looks pretty cool, unix. Looks doable - we need similar textures and lighting, it can be a SP map, or even a two-layered MP or an unsymmetrical CTF :)


Can someone upload the mX maps here pls? And any other clan maps you have


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."


everything you can post


Okay, I have an idea for a clan project.
Windecker/pupskuchen can probably help me with this.
Okay here it goes:

all we need to do is make the bots use chainsaws, and go really slow.
L4D mod. :3


oh, also, it would be cool to make you walk slower when you get hit.
and the chainsaws have lower damage than usual.


We don't want our servers be banned on master server, do we? ;)