Gundam Wing leo mobile suit - finished

Started by TeddyTutu, October 19, 2011, 07:22:52 AM

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Howdy, here is yet another Japanese style map this time its from gundam wing the tv series. i made the Green leo and a blue leo images are below.

here is a walk thought of the gundam on youtube:

And you can download it here:
/you can do what ever you want to it - but if you re-upload it to a site please give me credit

1. the front of the body

2. back of the body

3. finished body

4. epic leg fail - how to redo legs

5.  finished green leo

6. this picture messed up - sorry

7. repainted leo to blue


Looks nice! Can I make a suggestion?

Make 1 thread, for all of these maps.



Quote from: Sweet on October 19, 2011, 02:27:36 PM
Looks nice! Can I make a suggestion?

Make 1 thread, for all of these maps.
Sweet, I think one thread per map is fine, why did you suggest that?


Mostly cause you said to put my geometry things in a map to themselves. Sorry, didn't know.  :-[


it's just more useful to have small things all in one place, when it's a scratch map. you can put many small things in one ogz, and make it useful for copying from one place. but in this case, it's a dedicated map.


Good point. By the way, Sweetscratch now exists.