Metal Gear Eclipse :D

Started by unixfreak, April 26, 2013, 03:46:11 PM

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Have been playing around with Red Eclipse's server config and made (most of) the first level from metal gear solid  ;D
All the bots, teamnames, colours, weapons etc are MGS style.




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Alright unix fine you may have my first-born. Gosh.


Cleaned it up a bit, dimensions more accurate, added the rusty metal girder with chains/hook too  :P Also fixed lighting to be more accurate








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As of 14th May... two sections mostly finished



Just gotta check for buggy cubes/textures and finish the truck. Next part is gunna be the tank hangar!

P.S; It's a single map.
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Nice remake, looks like it was a bitch to make. Good work, you're RE stuff is getting better and better. RE needs map editors badly.
It is a profound and necessary truth that the deep things in science are not found because they are useful; they are found because it was possible to find them.


wheres the gunship? joking, looks great man!


Thanks guys. If anyone is free sometime, come work on it with me if you'd like to.

Quote from: Mr.Fixxit694 on May 16, 2013, 11:50:42 PM
wheres the gunship? joking, looks great man!

Ha. I don't even want to attempt making that... lol.

Also, here's a whole gallery of high-res (1440x900) screenshots. Thought i'd just link to them, as they are like 2MB each in size. fixed the sky lighting to be more accurate (more of a blue tint now) and toched up some details, like the storage room on the helipad and the truck. About to start on the tank hangar when i get round to it.

Here's the gallery link:
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Wow, I haven't seen much good RE content for quite a while, but this is actually really impressive, especially the heli pad in the last screenshot. I might donwload the game again just to try that map!
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I've installed RE and found your map on a server. It's pretty nice. Though I really think the RE sounds are crap. I mean it plays a piano key when you hit someone, what is up with that? I dunno, maybe it's configurable or something. And I do wish the elevator was actually working instead of teleporting. I like that the map was auto sent though. I like the atmosphere, like I said. before. Gameplay is fun, with little to no flow problems. The only problem was when I fell into the water, I tried to swim to the end of the cave, but I hit the clip. That kind of dragged. I didn't really inspect it too much, I'm still curious how coopedit goes in RE.


Yeah the elevator is the only problem so far with map flow, the teleporter works best.

It looks good with pushers (kinda like jumppads) although the effect becomes silly when you point your camera to the floor the lift stays at the bottom. Another thing with pushers is that you can't jump back down the elevator.
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