I'm LandRiders7th aka LR7

Started by LR7, April 04, 2012, 03:49:45 AM

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Most of you may already heard of me within 2011 and 2012 in SauerBraten and Red Eclipse. But for those that haven't here's how the Story goes. When I first heard of the game in fall of 2010 I was browsing some games on the Linux games category. I decided to download the game starting with trooper edition. I was amazed that this game has the ability to edit in game without an external program and the best part coop edit with others online. a few weeks later I got justice edition which I stayed with for awhile to this time period.

Anyways I'm an IT guy which I've been fixing and building computers both hardware and software for over 12 years. started learning about Linux in 2006 and started using it as a default desktop in 2010. Still not a programmer but I know how to merge some coding from source at this point.

Also have been a professional graphic designer since 2007 which I started out with mspaint around 1999. Art has been one of my strongest subjects but was never dedicated for making it as a career. Heres a link were I keep all my artwork http://landriders7th.deviantart.com/

Not to forget that I'm a music producer at well started in February 2010. heres a link for them too http://www.reverbnation.com/landrider7th

I always wanted to get into more hardware stuff like engineering and electronics to build these incredible machines that i had in mind for awhile.  One of them happen to the StarShip Battle Craft Titan. Its the First map I ever made on cube 2 and the first ever to be built by the community. someday when I manage to turn the ogz map into a CAD format. that will be the day when I build the real deal in the future.

And I also wanted to build my own operating system called L-Core. Unlike most Linux distributions out there. This aims to not only be useful to home use but for others out there that needs a better tool with added features that are useful and powerful. I believe that there should be an os similar to the old school Amiga os in the 80's but with a better look, future proof, free and open source. Heres an example of the kind of plans I'll make for it http://youtu.be/ROWh3Btpnt4

The first OS I made is L-Core BIO and heres a video of this os preview along with a download link http://youtu.be/7-9td0oVmqI

So far my main life goals is learning as much of everything there is to know about the truth and sharing it to the world.

-Building and creating all kinds of things.

-Most importantly to be the captain of a star ship.

well that it for now, til then this is LR7 LOGGING OUT
Truth seeker, Explorer, Inventor, Artist, & Warrior facing challenges known in existence.

This is Landriders7th


You sound like a cool guy. I ride land too, except, here in Ohio, we call it "walking".


A lot of cool stuff you got going on there :kirby:


QuoteI believe that there should be an os similar to the old school Amiga os in the 80's but with a better look, future proof, free and open source.

Oh yeh! I think i love you.  :-*
When i was 4-5 years old, i would always play 'alfred chicken' on my dad's amiga. First computer i ever touched, it was awesome.

Heard of AROS? It might interest you.
Personally haven't test-driven any distributions of it yet, although i read about it's development often.

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