[Accepted] Stormers Application ;D

Started by MajorReign, October 18, 2011, 11:19:30 PM

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heyo Guys
Finaly I managed to get an acount on mappinghell.net so I'll try to join MH.
I made a few maps and im playing Sauer for almost 2 years. i learned much from zoo and a few other cool players ;D
My 1. map is the REAL ''BrakebackCastle'' its not a playable map (and still not fnish) :D. I just made it because i was bored. And my 2. map I made with a good friend of mine 'P1nokjo' is called ''Warehouse'' its a playable map for insta team and efficiency. Im to stupid to bring my maps too download :(
so if you want to see the maps pls contact me on skype : stormer-1997 or ask zoo, vampi and sweet. They got Brakebackcastle and if you want to see Warehouse ask me or P1nokjo :D
so pls thumbs up and vote for me pls

P.S. sorry for my aweful english


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."


Lazy Kat

You will need it stormer, and I hope you get in.
Meowy Chwysmiss


Well then. My picture below states my vote.


Quote from: Garm_Kralljj on October 19, 2011, 12:21:40 AM
You will need it stormer, and I hope you get in.

Brakeback Castle is a very well done map. It contains knowledge of architecture, geometry, and lights. The skylight works with the small courtyard, and the castle is well laid out and realistic.

The Warehouse has a nice layout, although it could use more details.

Anyways, P1nokjo seems to support you. I vote yes.


yay  :D you already got 2 yes  ;D !!!
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."



...because he's a great mapper/editor and I really like BrakeBackCastle (details, lightning, atmosphere)...


I've only seen BrakebackCastle, but its a very detailed map and has lots of nice designs on the walls. I have no idea if its based on a real castle but it looks pretty realistic and well done.

Assuming i need to vote (not sure if i have been fully accepted yet). I would vote yes   :D
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Pretty much what i said for p1nokjo, Brakeback Castle also had very nice details.
So um..



The map itself didn't impress me so much - I like the layout, but not the detailing - they just seem to be random curves, copied and pasted over and over, especially the decoration. They don't speak to me. Also, I haven't had time to get to know you, and being cool is half my vote. I'll hold a negative vote for now. Maybe if you finish the map and put a little more effort in the decoration (maybe imitate some classic pattern). Also, those arched areas in the wall, they are rounded hollow, but at the top, it's just straight cubes, ending the hollow cubes. I'd carve those out and make some sort of rounded arch thing. But that's just me.

TL;DR: I like the layout but the details turned me off. Try again


I liked your map, but I would like to see more.

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put your sister and I side by side.

Heav’n hath no rage like love to hatred turn’d, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d.


im working on a church itll be finish tommorrow or in 2 weeks ( on sunday im flying to spain)


heres my new map for vampi and wind ;D hope you like it (the lights are not so good i know) ill work on it in 2 weeks again :D

THE GARDEN AROUND IT WILL COME LATER /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\


Alright Storm, assuming this map was made by you, and not stolen, i vote yes. If, however, we find out it was stolen, you will be banned from the clan. Cheers!



i know there's map out there like his but i was with him for a while when he was working on the map and he did allot of the work when i was in the room with him so I'm sure he didn't steal anything but he also did a good bit before i got to the room so I'm 100% sure he didn't take anything. i think he's got allot skills and i hope that you would let him in


it's just that he made it so fast :)
but good for him


you showed some great skills here, especially in detailing! ;D my vote is no! joke its yes xD
btw vampi, i watched him making the church, nothing is stolen!!
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."


and p1n i started it yesterday right?


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."


I guess that leaves Jake to vote.


I suppose, though I'd like to see more.

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put your sister and I side by side.

Heav’n hath no rage like love to hatred turn’d, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d.




wind can you pls decide i wish you would say yes so i can show you more of my mpas :)


Nobody understands English anymore... :(

'I suppose' is saying 'yes' without the relish on top.

I'd really like to see more maps though because the castle is very repetitious.

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put your sister and I side by side.

Heav’n hath no rage like love to hatred turn’d, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d.

Lazy Kat

Quote from: Windecker on November 02, 2011, 12:17:13 AM
Nobody understands English anymore... :(

'I suppose' is saying 'yes' without the relish on top.

I'd really like to see more maps though because the castle is very repetitious.
Well Jake/Wind,
        We are stupid and we do not care for suppostions.
Meowy Chwysmiss



Also, arguing with Jakey-Baby won't do any good.

Lazy Kat

Meowy Chwysmiss


okaz girls :P sorry for my bad english :( so who is missing :D ???


Quote from: Garm_Kralljj on November 02, 2011, 03:04:11 AM
Well Jake/Wind,
        We are stupid and we do not care for suppositories.