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Messages - Doom

News / Re: Updated forum to SMF 2.1.3
November 27, 2022, 07:03:00 PM
Maps / Re: Station-42 [WIP]
October 06, 2018, 03:42:18 AM
 :o these maps that are popping out in tesseract are amazing.. I have to experiment now. Interesting how people are using the mapmodels a lot more in tess because the work so well with the game.
System Specs / The AC Unit
June 07, 2016, 09:54:55 AM
I call it the ac unit because the case makes it look like an ac at times.

CPU: Intel Core i7 4790K 4.0Ghz
RAM: 16 GB

Running Windows 10 64 bit
Applications / Re: Current member list
December 24, 2015, 05:52:10 AM
In light of my "trolish maps", you've not once requested for me to stop doing them, in fact, you've actually had a couple laughs at them, along with the pastebin, so I find it very weird you used all of that against me. But I will apologize about my "trollish maps" or my pastebins if they happened to offend anybody in this clan. Also, quickly giving up on projects should not be a reason one should be removed from a clan in sauer. Me leaving this clan was suppose to be non-dramaish but you went and caused drama anyways. Also, I didn't give up on the island clan map.

"Some of his silly maps include 'Autism Zoo' which consists of many stolen animals." To say the the animals on that silly map was stolen is funny to be honest. I didn't claim the animals as my own so therefore I did not steal them. HOWEVER, if anybody sees that map and they say "Hey, can you remove my animal from the map I don't want it on here" I'll be happy to remove it with no problems.

Giving up on projects

To respond to this ^ Everyone has their own editing preference and style. Some people can "EASILY" work with others in group projects, and some people, like me, find it hard. I've attempted multiple times to edit on some of ards maps. I find that majority of his maps didn't go with my style of editing and thus caused me to fail at creating good structures for his map, thus giving up. I don't know what it is about ards maps, but I can't get my self to create good edits on them. I do remember on the island map, I edited that Japanese Tower, and it ended up looking really awesome! I lost that map, it was suppose to go on the island, and it pissed me off that I lost it. I find it very easy to work on maps that I've started and had my own thoughts into it. I often say, this is my map, I can make it look what ever I want it to look like, it can look ugly and the best part is, it want matter, its my world. Ardelico, you're always a hard person to get along with, but I like you dude, you may dislike me but I still consider you a friend.

Trollish Maps

I did infact, make a couple of trollish maps. Mapnames are SauerassicWorld (with all the animals on it) Spookeyforest.jpg and TerryTheTugboat. When I don't wanna make something serious, I often turn to making goofy maps.

My Pastebins.
I cannot justify the actions of my pastebin, and they will probably be offensive to people. Thus, i'll apologize.

[[EDIT 2]]

Just recently, me and a couple of other people make one of those so called "trollish maps" the name is Butter CTF, and it's actually quite fun to play on.

News / Re: Desperately Needed Forum and Site Overhaul
October 08, 2015, 06:19:40 AM
Personally, I like the idea of a new forum, this forum is cramped with outdated historic events that happen in sauer that don't particurlary matter anymore, and it just clogs up the forums.
The Mega Archive / Re: Doom.
July 10, 2015, 03:25:42 AM
Jacob You wanker m8
The Mega Archive / Re: Doom.
February 02, 2015, 06:12:01 AM
LOL i just wen't back and laugh at all of my stupidity in my past days.
The Mega Archive / Re: Oi Mates
September 23, 2014, 03:47:03 PM
Who brought assy to this topic??

The Mega Archive / Re: Oi Mates
September 09, 2014, 07:34:28 PM
No, I haven't even thought about that xD, I just wanna go there because the place is beautiful or so I am told, and that place is also where vampires originated.
The Mega Archive / Oi Mates
September 09, 2014, 05:31:39 PM
Ello Everyone, Just stopping by, so whats going on with everybody lately ^^?
Me, just chilling in school, playing games, trying graduate get a job, after I get some money, I plan on trying to explore the world, the first place I would love to go visit is Alaska.Then I might go to Romania.


Anyways Post whats going on below :D.
News & Discussions / Re: Doom is black
May 29, 2014, 08:39:30 PM
For me, when I unzip the file, it shows it as a exec file. Does it download as a ogz file for you when you open the zip?
News & Discussions / Re: Doom is black
May 09, 2014, 01:32:18 PM
I'm my past application post, i had a map uploaded "Druin1" and that downloads as an exec.
News & Discussions / Re: Doom is black
May 01, 2014, 05:58:35 PM
ooo kill em..
Shots fired..

Maps / Re: Genesis Tesseract Play Test
April 02, 2014, 04:39:05 PM
I'll be sure to check this out when i get home. I remember when you was working on this in the braten.
News & Discussions / Doom is black
March 30, 2014, 11:50:09 PM
Hello everybody and Doom is back..
My last account on here, well i lost the details to it.. so blah
My name is Hadden blah blah
My age is 17 blah blah
My thing in life is blah blah
Sauer is blah blah
Editing is fun and blah blah

Also @Sauce i need to know if you have my Druin1 map seeing as the one i uploaded here is glitched, and downloads as an exec.
And Sauce can you upload the file to this thread please. Thanks.
Applications / Re: Death's Application!
June 15, 2012, 05:28:50 PM
my mistake  man, ive heard "Death" is wearing the tag, and sauce had allowed it,
Applications / Re: Death's Application!
June 15, 2012, 08:10:01 AM
How the heck did he get in? all the active members didn't vote for him yet..
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 12, 2012, 06:41:27 PM
I'm canceling my application,
I can tell some people don't want me, some i can understand why, others i can't.
I applied to this clan, to maybe get it active somehow, and start clan projects.

I'm aborting my application.

Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 11, 2012, 11:23:53 PM
lol p1no xD
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 11, 2012, 10:02:57 PM
Are you kidden me? Does it matter if its done in terrain only? seriously? I'm about to pee my pants now.
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 11, 2012, 11:24:31 AM
yeah, and that map is outdated, ill post pics tomorow I sleep now gnight mate, and i never use height map, i call it lazy work, people who use height map, can make nooby terrain that even looks better then height map, it just takes while.
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 11, 2012, 07:06:18 AM
Sorry about my tension with any of the members in this clan. and all that, i am still working on the Darain map, sauce has gave me some more tips, I'd really want to join this clan, because i know a lot of people in it, and jake, maybe we can meet up some time, i haven't seen you in for ever, and i know you are very good at layouting as wel as sauce is, and btw, did you check my house map out?
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 11, 2012, 01:55:32 AM
Heres the map guys, P1no helped a little with the layout, and i did the main layout, and details.
Applications / Re: Death's Application!
June 10, 2012, 05:36:59 PM
Yoddle Vote on my application * Nudge * * Nudge * I have a better layout, thanks to P1no ( who added a little more to the layout, ) im still doing all of the details
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 10, 2012, 05:54:45 AM
About to post the Darain map, p1no helped me on some of the layout, so yeah.
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 09, 2012, 04:48:18 AM
Quote from: Death on June 09, 2012, 03:17:01 AM
Nice terrain, about svn, can you use it on mac when you've got Leopard? Or do you have to have Lion?
do some compileing ( which i know nothing about, )\

p1no, I love you <3
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 09, 2012, 01:10:19 AM
her it is.
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 09, 2012, 01:02:02 AM
this aint much, at all.
just a small insta/ffa map
here are some screenys

i cant upload the map
cant find it in my sauer svn base folder.
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 08, 2012, 11:09:42 PM
No problem, i'm actualy allmost done with it.
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 08, 2012, 10:18:46 PM
I'm working on one in svn, it isn't that bright either, this clan is forceing me to use playables as my application, it frustrates me, this is an editing clan isn't it ._.
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 08, 2012, 07:58:44 PM
heres your map, and i'm not finishing it, because i can't I don't like doing layotus i get to agravated.
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 08, 2012, 07:38:41 PM
I can't do layouts alone, they frustrate me, and drive me crazy, and yet you will vote no? seriously? my layouting skills suck, as i allready mention. and yet you want vote because i don't have a playable map for you? got to be joking.
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 08, 2012, 05:04:04 PM
there rules applying said, i needed only one map, and could add more if i wanted too.
Joining / Re: Doom would like to join Mapping Hell.
June 08, 2012, 07:26:01 AM
Quote from: Mr.Fixxit694 on June 08, 2012, 07:03:01 AM
to lazy to writ anything, yes
Thank you so much :D
    Mr.Fixxit694 - Voted Yes
    Sauce - Voted Yes
    Z3R0N1C - Voted Yes