
Games => Red Eclipse => Maps => Topic started by: unixfreak on March 03, 2013, 01:45:10 PM

Title: To-Ru Octavus
Post by: unixfreak on March 03, 2013, 01:45:10 PM


To-Ru is derived from this. (
Ocatavus is simply latin for eighth.

So... To-Ru Octavus, basically means "Eight planet from the sun used as remote space control". Think of an outpost with a command center or something like that.

I think i've spent at least 20hours total working on this so far. (far from finished, but really motivated to actually make this into a finished map quite soon). Here are some screenies:

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(they are only 800x600 because my graphics card is poop on high gfx settings).

I'll post the map file/cfg soon, when i've got most of the layout done.
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus [red eclipse]
Post by: Sweet on March 03, 2013, 08:55:16 PM
That looks fantastic so far!
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus [red eclipse]
Post by: unixfreak on March 04, 2013, 07:21:32 AM
Couldn't sleep, so i ended up doing alot tonight, here's how it's looking now:

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Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus [red eclipse]
Post by: ArdTheSheep on March 05, 2013, 12:54:47 PM
The blue pillar room looks trippy o.O
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus [red eclipse]
Post by: unixfreak on March 06, 2013, 09:17:48 PM
Quote from: Ardelico on March 05, 2013, 12:54:47 PM
The blue pillar room looks trippy o.O

It's orange now. Also had to remove alpha, cause the window in that room is alpha'd (so when you're outside looking in, the damned pillar thing disappears).
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus [red eclipse]
Post by: unixfreak on April 04, 2013, 01:10:39 AM
Needs one of these! (

I've been looking all day for "parabolic satellite dish" models. Can't seem to find any (that have  generous licensing). Any of you guys know where to find one that would be awesome.

Wanting to stick something like that in the middle of this roof:
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Some more low gfx setting screenshots of how it's looking now:
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Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus [red eclipse]
Post by: unixfreak on April 07, 2013, 01:56:37 AM
An improvised attempt at a satellite dish:

Sorta came out as a laser gun thingy majiggy, though i'm happy with it  for now ;D

Also, done alot today; and added a  perimeter zone (sand = death) with obitdeath set to "_____ left the perimeter". Any opinion on that would be nice. Reason i've done it that way is... well the map is getting quite detailed, i'm still trying to keep it as simple as possible but adding a load of scenery buildings/walls etc was making it lag to hell! lol.

Starting to come together i think.

Although i still haven't decided on the central part of the map, still might need to be changed if it's unbalanced (i don't want a huge sniper corridor down the middle of the map).


Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus [red eclipse]
Post by: vampirefrog on April 07, 2013, 05:28:44 AM
huge tower in the middle of the map
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus [red eclipse]
Post by: unixfreak on April 08, 2013, 01:35:08 AM
Quote from: vampirefrog on April 07, 2013, 05:28:44 AM
huge tower in the middle of the map

Hadn't thought of that. I tried it out with a few different designs, although can't seem to get a decent feel to it. For now it's a central door/gateway with a wall to stop "across the map" sniping, or at least give a bit of cover to hide from snipers.  Seems to work good with a central platform on top this way... for bomber-ball as example.

Latest overhead screenie:

(is a bit jumpy/laggy)
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus [red eclipse]
Post by: unixfreak on April 08, 2013, 07:04:09 PM
Thinking that the textures i originally chose are looking too plain (especially closer up), what about a more neutral color scheme? Anyone think this could look better?


Not a finished idea, just a quick tex change. Just that the orange will clash horibbly with red/blue colour coded parts. Because it's turned into a symetrical/flipped ctf style map with 2 bases, thought a grey/neutral colour scheme could fit better along with appropriate team colours to the two halfs of the bases.

Any ideas?
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus [red eclipse]
Post by: Sauce on April 22, 2013, 05:58:56 PM
Sweet, a nice Red Eclipse map. Your style of map editing seems to suit the RE style well. One maybe we should work on that ctf map again. Lots has been done since you seen it, but not overly a lot :)
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus [red eclipse]
Post by: ArdTheSheep on April 22, 2013, 08:30:40 PM
This pic, make a heavy green-ish fog, and call the map biohazard.  Make a few craters with green-slime-death-water, and a few broken tanks.

(i dont mind you using my SP map's name, since it's for a different game)

Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus [red eclipse]
Post by: TeddyTutu on April 23, 2013, 05:16:01 AM
looking good there :anisan:
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus
Post by: unixfreak on October 08, 2013, 01:07:10 AM
Gotten into a problem with this map, have been focusing on the exterior too much, and it completely destroyed the flow.

Might remove outside access.... just have a small view out the windows of a rocky planet (mars like).
AKA this will soon become an indoor map when i get round to it.
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus
Post by: unixfreak on October 19, 2013, 06:10:18 PM
Dug out this map this morning, spent too many hours on it today.

Completely redone the middle, it's now a cratered dune looking thing, not too open, has elevation and cover. Seems like it works better for map flow , and blends in better with the surroundings ;D


Won't post map for now, gotta vpallette some team textures inside the buildings and then finish the blendmap. Nearing completion, maybe just have to do waypoints and weapon/affinity entities. Should be finished soon!
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus
Post by: unixfreak on October 23, 2013, 04:12:50 PM
Latest change:
Added a frame/structure to the middle center to provide a bit more cover
Finished blendmap
Removed the air vent/duct system under the map
More variety on the roofs (not copy/paste both sides)
Vpallete textures added to team bases
Affinitys/weapon entities added
Check the  first post for the map file.

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Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus
Post by: unixfreak on November 05, 2013, 05:42:18 AM
Some more updates:

Has been added to svn also!
Not 100% finished though.
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus
Post by: unixfreak on December 18, 2014, 12:36:24 AM
Playing around again...

Just after an opinion really, i feel the dark texture shrouds alot of the other texturing detail (trim/grates/vents/panels etc) so it just looks all dark and gloomy.... with the greyish metal texture (i'll still add some more detail with other textures) it seems to contrast better with the sand and sky...

Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus
Post by: vampirefrog on December 18, 2014, 01:50:57 AM
with all the bright orange sand I wouldn't be worried about the dark textures.

there's a certain naive color palette to it, maybe try sprinkling some colder colors, green, blue, purples here and there. subtle touches that add more dynamic range. just as an experiment.
Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus
Post by: unixfreak on January 06, 2015, 06:23:47 PM
Well i went ahead and cleaned up this retextured version, list of changes at link here:

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Title: Re: To-Ru Octavus
Post by: vampirefrog on March 28, 2015, 09:46:33 PM
it looks really good, I dig the colors. Don't be afraid to add more blue, to contrast with the orange.