
General Category => Mapping Hell Clan => Joining => Topic started by: ArdTheSheep on February 01, 2013, 01:07:43 AM

Title: [Accepted] Ardelico's App
Post by: ArdTheSheep on February 01, 2013, 01:07:43 AM
Name : ...
Alias : Ardelico
Age : 16
Country : USA

How long have you been playing ?
--2 years

How did you discover the game ?
--a friend told me about it

What are your favorite game modes (except coopedit)? Why?
--tactics, I like the randomness

--insta, because point n click

When are you usually online?
--all day, almost every day

Why Mapping Hell?
--I want to learn some different editing styles than my current ones, and maybe do group-editing.

What will you bring to the team ?
--Every now and then some nice playable/artistic maps, a few scripts here and there, a good laugh.


What do you prefer to do in coopedit? Why?
--mostly make maps that have something to do with nature. My strong point I'd say

How many maps have you finished? How many have you uploaded on quadropolis (links) ? How many projects have you started ?

--Not many at the moment, I delete them if I get stuck/don't like it.

-- -- I did everything but materials

-- -- In this map I did almost everything,  I had help from someone who did a few lights and weapon placement.

--  (this one's in the release too) -- I did the layout/details

--I have 2 more capture/ctf maps that will be done soon, if you want to see them, ask me on #sauerbraten

What is your favourite kind of map ?

--nature/huge/rpg/anything that's not ctf

If I don't get accepted that's fine, I'll try to make some better maps and maybe re-apply later.  Thanks for considering me!

Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: Sweet on February 01, 2013, 02:33:31 AM
Guten Tag! You're the first applicant for Collect Edition! I'll review your application soon. Cheers!  :rockin:
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: MasterTechCC on February 01, 2013, 04:48:40 AM
I've seen some of your work and so far I'm pretty impressed. Your release map, forge is one of my new favorites /!\ I think that you will make a fine addition to the clan... a Yes from me
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: Sweet on February 01, 2013, 06:17:35 AM
Okay, so I usually give lengthy responses, reviewing each map submitted, etc. I'm not as in-depth as Suicizer but I do like to talk.

First off:

Delirium: I noticed your DS_Store files. I used to play Sauer on a Macbook, those were a major pain in the ass. Anyways, you seem to have solved that problem, so I'll talk about other stuff. On Quad, Zoocata noted that this map looks a lot like Dune. It does. However, I'm inclined to not dislike it solely for that. You've created a good layout and use some interesting embellishments that I appreciate. The flow is lacking at parts, with a few dead ends, but it doesn't cripple gameplay.

Arstation: Interesting map. Adding earthen terrain is usually a good decision, and I support its usage here--however I do need to urge the importance of making it varied and natural. I know it's a pain in the butt to manually edit an entire cliff-side, but I think it's the only way to do terrain right. In this map, the terrain was a little too plain to me. The one thing I like about this map is the theme--it's unique, it doesn't really seem derived off of any other map.

Force: Congratulations on making it into the release! I would too if I had any idea how to make a layout. This map is a prime example of a solid deathmatch map. All the necessary pick-ups, flow that supports both regular and rifle-jumping, and a design that's detailed but tidy. It's really a fantastic map, and I can see why it made it into the release.

Overall, I'd say that you are very good at what you do, and I'd challenge you to step outside your boundaries. Of the three maps you've submitted, two were textured and lighted similarly to already-created maps. One thing I really enjoy in the mapmaking process is coming up with a cool theme that I can make a little backstory about, or just picture in my head. I think it's good practice to think about this sort of thing, and it's definitely a good way to step up your creative game.

Okay, after all that chatter, I feel like I owe you an answer to your application. My answer is yes. I haven't seen you much before, but you seem to be a pretty outgoing fellow with a knack for making maps.
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: Skur on February 01, 2013, 02:42:51 PM
First of all, nice to see a new applicant!

I'm also glad to see someone making playable maps, not this high-poly crap they call art.

I don't know you that well yet, but you seem like a pretty skilled mapper, your maps show that you know how to make a proper deathmatch layout, wich is something many people fail at (layouts in general, not just DM). You also seem to know how to optimze a playable map, like saving polygons by using larger grids and using skytex and you manged to actually finish several projects wich isn't always as much fun as starting something new. You also used some "advanced" features of the engine such as sounds and you said you might be posting some scripts wich means that you have some experiences with cubescript, wich can be pretty useful in mapping too (sp and rpg maps require a lot of scripting). What keeps me from instantly voting yes is that Delirium's and Force's themes aren't very original ^^ (everyone mentioned that so i dont think i got to be more detailed). Arstation sows that it isn't hopeless but it just contains very basic geometrie (trims are almost the only details) and only uses one texture pack (i dont mind someone using just one tex pack at all, but if you do you have to use it differently than the others, combining two packs is often easy but not necissary).

You are a skilled mapper who knows how to use this engine and you are good at layouts (and good layouters are rare!). I would just like to see you make some unique details, i am NOT talking about these tiny small-grid-details containg a shitload of polygons. More like big things wich use the textures different than you'd expect them to be used (they can be special arches, pillars, "doors", teleports, etc) or special combinations (for example rock.n.roll's gibbie-lunaran-combo). Besides that the details you made were done well, they were just damn similar to dune/forge.

As i said, i won't vote yes now, but a well detailed (unique!) concept or an update of arstation would convince me, since you lighting and especially your layouting skills are definitely good enough for MH, while i'm also happy about you understanding how to save polys.

Good luck and i'm looking forward to voting yes, since i'm sure you can make it ;)
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: ArdTheSheep on February 01, 2013, 04:55:52 PM
MasterTechCC:  force*  not forge lol (blame suicizer for the name)

Sweet: I kind of get what you're saying since i took a good look at it, looks all bumpy.  So pretty much, make it less bumpy (ie use bigger gridsize)?

arstation was more a 1-hit-wonder for me, when I was making it, literally just making random cubes everywhere, not having a clue what I was doing.  But it all worked out fine.

Delirium & Force are more practice maps for me since I'm not that great at layouts (without having some sort of motivation).

Since arstation is well liked, I might make an expansion that supports capture/ctf/collect modes soon. But if I do, I'll need a few questions answered:

1: should I continue on from the original map, or start from scratch?

2: should parts of the terrain be accessable?  maybe roofs?

3: this I was curious about,  grassanimscale 0.3, grassanimmillis 6000, to give a more windy effect, would it fit?

I wouldn't say I really 'fixed' my DS_Store problem, more of: I had someone re-package it.  Any suggestions on a good Mac archiver?

Skur: I also have 2 more maps that I can show, one of them is based on Xenon (but not so flippin huge) HeWho is helping on it also.

The other map is kind of corrupt and needs to be re-textured entirely. But I'll show it anyways, pm me on #sauerbraten for my server pass.

Could you define more on what you mean by 'unique details'? I kind of understand to make it not-so-plain, but I'd like more comments on it.
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: ArdTheSheep on February 01, 2013, 04:59:17 PM
Those who will be viewing the xenon-like map, will need this:

Save it as: asmap4.cfg

mapsound kaiser/fx/hum1 200 -1
mapsound kaiser/fx/hum2 200 -1
mapsound kaiser/fx/hum3 200 -1
mapsound kaiser/fx/hum4 200 -1
mapsound kaiser/fx/hum5 200 -1
mapsound kaiser/fx/hum6 200 -1
mapsound kaiser/fx/hum7 200 -1
mapsound "ambience/forest1.ogg" 200 1
mapsound "ambience/forest3.ogg" 200 1
mapsound "blindabuser/rain.ogg" 200 1
mapsound "soundtransit/waterfall.ogg" 150 2

// skylight 130 140 170

setshader bumpspecmapworld
setshaderparam "specscale" .1 .1 .1
texture 0 textures/nieb/concrete02.jpg 0 0 0 .8
texture n textures/nieb/concrete02_normal.png
texture 0 textures/nieb/concrete03.jpg 0 0 0 .8
texture n textures/nieb/concrete03_normal.png

setshader bumpspecmapparallaxglowworld

texture 0 trak5/light1a.jpg 0 0 0 0.5
texture n trak5/light1_n.png
texture s trak5/light1_s.jpg
texture g trak5/light1a_g.jpg

texture 0 trak5/light1a.jpg 0 0 256 0.5
texture n trak5/light1_n.png
texture s trak5/light1_s.jpg
texture g trak5/light1a_g.jpg

texture 0 trak5/light1a.jpg 1 0 0 0.5
texture n trak5/light1_n.png
texture s trak5/light1_s.jpg
texture g trak5/light1a_g.jpg

texture 0 trak5/light1a.jpg 1 256 0 0.5
texture n trak5/light1_n.png
texture s trak5/light1_s.jpg
texture g trak5/light1a_g.jpg

texture 0 trak5/light2a.jpg 0 0 0 0.5
texture n trak5/light2_n.png
texture s trak5/light2_s.jpg
texture g trak5/light2a_g.jpg

texture 0 trak5/light3a.jpg 0 0 0 0.5
texture n trak5/light3_n.png
texture s trak5/light3_s.jpg
texture g trak5/light3a_g.jpg

texture 0 trak5/light3a.jpg 1 0 0 0.5
texture n trak5/light3_n.png
texture s trak5/light3_s.jpg
texture g trak5/light3a_g.jpg

Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: Sweet on February 01, 2013, 06:35:27 PM
A bigger gridsize is good for terrain yes. However, it's also important to utilize concave and convex surfaces (get extreme with it!) to make it look good.

I think I'd start from scratch with Arstation. I know that sucks, but it seems very circular to me, and the changes that I think need to be made would be hard to do with just editing the current map.

As far as the ledges go, I would say yes, some should be incorporated into the map. The one disclaimer I have to say is don't make the common mistake of using the clip material to separate an inaccessible part of the map, it's better to make those boundaries natural.

About the grass, I'd have to see where you go with what you have currently.

Finally, I'm afraid to say I don't know of any good Mac Archivers. 
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: ArdTheSheep on February 01, 2013, 07:27:32 PM
EDIT: nevermind, I made a layout of this and started to do other stuff, didn't look so great so I trashed it.

Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: Leo on February 02, 2013, 08:46:56 AM
Ah, so your the guy on the 'VIP Only' private server all the time :D
Ill look at your maps and get back to ya
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: ArdTheSheep on February 02, 2013, 09:36:44 PM
Sweet: is this what you meant by more realistic?

or is it something different?

Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: Sweet on February 03, 2013, 12:25:42 AM
It looks better! Instead of having discrete levels, like a cake made of grass, trying blending the different vertical surfaces together
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: vampirefrog on February 03, 2013, 01:23:58 AM
I like your maps. They have good flow, low detail, but that's perfect for this game. arstation has a nice atmosphere. I won't nitpick at this point. My vote is Yes. :soniccmon:
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: ArdTheSheep on February 03, 2013, 01:35:13 AM
Yeah, my goal with arstation was to make a really relaxing map, looks like it's working so far.

here are the 2 regen maps I was talking about, the 4th image is the corrupt map, it needs completely retextured but I'll get to it soon.





Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: vampirefrog on February 03, 2013, 01:37:22 AM
they look very nice and large, you seem to have a good hand at keeping the layout proper.
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: TeddyTutu on February 03, 2013, 06:18:47 PM
After pondering your request most thoroughly I have come to the conclusion, to vote yes
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: Apollo on February 03, 2013, 08:40:16 PM
I like your stuff. I'd say more, but that requires typing. :)

Yes from I.
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: vampirefrog on February 03, 2013, 10:00:11 PM
Lookin good, let's just wait for Skur and Leonox and you're in.
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: Skur on February 03, 2013, 11:10:53 PM
even though the terrain needs some work, the details look a lot more interesting on those maps. since you have shown that you can detail maps in various themes you get a yes from me! ;D
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: ArdTheSheep on February 04, 2013, 08:48:38 PM
6 yes's so far.

C'mon leo
Title: Re: Ardelico's App
Post by: vampirefrog on February 05, 2013, 03:26:23 PM
Well, I think that's enough votes. Welcome to the clan! Adding you to clan roster. See you in coopedit!
Title: Re: [Accepted] Ardelico's App
Post by: vampirefrog on February 12, 2013, 12:10:41 AM
I've added you to the 'Mapping Hell' forum group. That means you can access the Clan Only section now.