
Archive => The Mega Archive => Applications => Topic started by: Death on June 08, 2012, 12:07:54 PM

Title: [Canceled] Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 08, 2012, 12:07:54 PM
Hello Mapping Hell, I know a few of you and I just hope I've applied to the right place. I once tried applying for cm, got a few yes's but cancelled my app after a week because they lost 2 of there most active members. I have a few mates here and would absolutely love to join!
About me:
-Names Dylan
-im 13 but not a noob like most around my age.
-Been playing for  2 years by now I think.
-I'm good at most things as you can see by viewing my maps below.

NewBase was just started a few days ago, I will give you an update on that soon.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 08, 2012, 12:17:02 PM
Btw, I forgot to save Deathctf so I haven't done someediting on it for a while. I'll try finish it off in my spare time, aswell as newbase
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Yoddle on June 08, 2012, 09:22:53 PM
Tho im inactive im still gunna vote - im pretty active again now anyway

Hgde - Really nice map, love the centrepiece, clearly have an eye for detail :) would like to see more in the open grass areas.
Appartments. - That cow/bull is fucking neat. Its earnt you my Yes.
ctf - Bit sick of greyscale maps atm, but i think that it will turn into something nice :) ADD ADD ADD
newbase - mmm bit bland. needs more too it if im honest

Like i said, the bull earnt you my yes.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Skur on June 09, 2012, 01:01:03 AM
newbase - no idea what that is but its not enough to be posted on an application.

DeathAppartments - copie pasted parking lot, the terrain isnt done and the bull has been created by a script :S but i really liked the desk and the laptop :) nice details!

hgde - very well detailed, although you could have saved a LOT of triangles by using normalmapped textures ;) and.. i think the middle part looks even better twice the size :D but id still like to know what you made and what stormer made :)

deathctf - cool theme :D i really like the coloured parts! maybe you could use some blendmapping to make the concrete textures look a little more dirty and realistic ;) but: not even the layout is done  :'(

you got a cool theme on deathctf, if you could finish the layout and maybe texture it already you would get a yes, ur details are pretty good but i need to see a layout :o if you arent experienced with layouting yet check out the other ctf maps in the release or if u have time this weekend we could work on it together ;D

- p1nokjo
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 09, 2012, 03:09:22 AM
Thanks a lot Yoddle!
Thanks p1! Just a little something, new base i had just started 1hour before my app but I assure you it will look great, I got the idea from Techs MH Application. A guy called epsilonjackal did the terrain and water and all that stuff. The only thing I've done is the base, but i may or may not delete all of that stuff.
Death apartments is also not complete, I have only done the car park and reception area aswell as the 'lounge' the lounge is not complete, im planning on adding a tv and tables with magazines ect. Sir Alex was teaching Doom how to do terrain quicker then he'd been doing it on his maps, so effectively imagine that theres no terrain there!  :D
Hgde was originally not even thought of as a map, Stormer made the middle bit with no textures and I textured it all, re designed his part a little, did the retarded terrain in the little space that I had left and made the flags and other ents to make it nearly a playable map. I'm thinking of enlarging the map and then showing my true terrain skills. :D
Now, the worst thing ive done in a while, Death ctf's layout was almost done! But i forgot to save it, so I started remaking it differently, but was just like, cant be stuffed i worked on it for like 6hours... Anyway about catching up on the weekend I'm Australian and will most likely be on from 10:30 onwards my time.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 10, 2012, 10:34:07 AM
Is anyone gonna reply?
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Yoddle on June 10, 2012, 10:35:53 AM
voting here usually takes a while, you may have to nudge people to vote :L we've had cases where no ones voted and the application just closed :L
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 10, 2012, 01:44:42 PM
I dont get it, how can you not find like 1/2 an hour a week.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Yoddle on June 10, 2012, 04:49:53 PM
We all live busy lives
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Doom on June 10, 2012, 05:36:59 PM
Yoddle Vote on my application * Nudge * * Nudge * I have a better layout, thanks to P1no ( who added a little more to the layout, ) im still doing all of the details
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: TeddyTutu on June 11, 2012, 01:12:09 AM
Sorry for the wait,

I'll start this out by saying i love deathapartments, i love that type of style and you did a great job with it so I'm going to vote "yes" and i hope to make a map of that theme with you.

Now about hgde,
The structures look nice but the map has no flow and it feels like you are in some type of small mouse maze, so first off i would fix the buildings by making the stairs easier to use from the sides and also make it easier to get out of buildings by adding more stairs or adding ladders on the sides then i would re-size the middle maze and make it bigger and maybe add more paths and
for the layout, i think you should make the middle maze go into the ground and then make the four buildings set above the maze on the four sides i think they would make a good sniping point to shoot inside the maze or to pin down people over at their base, an i would keep the two walls on the middle sides blocking off the teams from moving in that way but i would make the walls low to the ground so people inside the buildings can sniper over them.
I like the map and i think it can turn into a great ctf map or base capture and  also i would be happy to help you with the map if would have me.

um I like the front door but it wouldn't be able to close :P
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: TeddyTutu on June 11, 2012, 01:15:47 AM
also i would add pictures of your maps to your application to help the voting go fast.
Title: AW: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Skur on June 11, 2012, 01:24:51 AM
Quote from: Mr.Fixxit694 on June 11, 2012, 01:15:47 AM
also i would add pictures of your maps to your application to help the voting go fast.

Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 11, 2012, 02:28:05 AM
Thanks alot fixit not only for voting yes but everything you said about hgde made sense! Now that youve made it clear, i know exactly what im gonna do, at the end of the bases I'm gonna add ladders I'm going to enlarge the map so my terrain doesnt look weird an im thinking of cliping the building/maze in the middle to preventrifle jumping right over the top. Thanks, I'll be on most of the day today so I hope I'll see you on! :D
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 11, 2012, 02:32:54 AM
When i get on my computer i will add pics
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 11, 2012, 06:21:30 AM
Btw I can't play SVN so I'll only be able to see you guys on normal Sauer, Although I'm gonna try get Lion so I can see what it is.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Yoddle on June 11, 2012, 09:55:21 AM
Quote from: Death on June 11, 2012, 06:21:30 AM
Btw I can't play SVN so I'll only be able to see you guys on normal Sauer,.

Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 11, 2012, 12:57:59 PM
I might get lion off a friend
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Yoddle on June 11, 2012, 07:38:18 PM
Quote from: Death on June 11, 2012, 12:57:59 PM
I might get lion off a friend

well, be sure you get a cage for it ;)
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Sauce on June 11, 2012, 07:56:52 PM
You certainly have skills and made some nice stuff here. You just haven't figured out how to put it all together yet. There is a lot you need to learn about mapping still, though things like your bull statue where impressive. I'll say yes, but I hope to see some proper playable maps in the future.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: TeddyTutu on June 11, 2012, 10:18:07 PM
if he got lion for one then you wont be able to use it,
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Skur on June 11, 2012, 10:34:36 PM
Quote from: Sauce on June 11, 2012, 07:56:52 PM
...things like your bull statue where impressive.

im pretty sure it has been created by a script..
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 12, 2012, 09:35:04 AM
Yeah, It has, credit to Wrack:

Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 12, 2012, 09:43:31 AM
and new version of newbase.

This guy called epsilonjackalYT wanted to help so he did some terrain. otherwise the sewer, well and base is mine.

Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Yoddle on June 12, 2012, 11:04:47 AM
So the cow isnt yours?
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 12, 2012, 02:44:41 PM
Nope. ^.^ I thought you would have saw it.

Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Sauce on June 14, 2012, 02:11:59 AM
Congratulations Death!
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 14, 2012, 08:58:14 AM
What for? ;p
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Sauce on June 15, 2012, 01:56:38 AM
For having the courage to come out of the closest and admit to the world you're gay.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 15, 2012, 04:05:34 AM
Awww thanks! <3

Nah I really mean it guys, thanks a lot for accepting me.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Doom on June 15, 2012, 08:10:01 AM
How the heck did he get in? all the active members didn't vote for him yet..
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 15, 2012, 09:36:02 AM
Idk but someone was saying that theres a post welcoming our newest member Death but I can't find it, I was on with Sauce aswell and I had the tag on and he didn't tell me to remove it so I think I'm in. ;p
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Yoddle on June 15, 2012, 12:14:20 PM
p1nokjo ~
Mr.Fixxit694 √
Sauce √
Stormer (saturdays only xD)
Yoddle √

It probably said welcome our newest member in the bar above the forum categories, thats for the newest person who has registered an account, i think thats what your confused with :L
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Doom on June 15, 2012, 05:28:50 PM
my mistake  man, ive heard "Death" is wearing the tag, and sauce had allowed it,
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 16, 2012, 03:11:44 PM
With some help from Sauce hgde is coming along nicely, my aim is to make it a playable map for the new release i'm going to be working pretty hard on it during the week and ill just chill with Fan and Mh on the weekends. Im going to need a bit of help otherwise it'll take forever so if you see me just ask.

Ill post some screenshots when i can get on my computer.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 19, 2012, 09:34:51 AM

What should I do with these parts of my map? make it terrain or Temple-like?
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Sauce on June 20, 2012, 05:08:24 AM
I will have to show you sometime. I can't think of it simply in words.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 20, 2012, 03:01:48 PM
Ok cool im on pretty reguraly, maybe this weekend??? Early saturday? Which would be late friday i think for you.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Sauce on June 20, 2012, 10:50:21 PM
Well, I am doing lots of math today. Going outside to do some math until about 5, take an hour break, then get back at it. If you're on late tonight I may see ya.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 21, 2012, 03:24:27 PM
Too late.. Ill be on alot tomorrow and the next day.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Skur on June 24, 2012, 09:58:32 PM
wny map updates on the way? :D
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 25, 2012, 02:34:35 PM
I've actually decided to give up on hgde1, previously to making it I had no idea about wtr and  how to make playables, but I'm going to take it into a new map, and work hard on getting something done. I'll try keep the wtr under 50-100k
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Skur on June 25, 2012, 03:31:37 PM
good luck! ;D
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 26, 2012, 07:42:12 AM
You too p1, with nok8, coming along veryyyy nice.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Sauce on June 26, 2012, 03:31:29 PM
I could reinvent hgde's layout, but remake it better with you around. In theory the idea was neat.
Title: Re: Death's Application!
Post by: Death on June 28, 2012, 08:50:28 AM
Idk i really need some help from a proffesional. Like you Sauce, or p1 ect
Title: Re: [Withdrawn]Death's Application!
Post by: Death on July 02, 2012, 11:25:39 AM
Well for those of you that know me, I'm not a big fan of being in an inactive clan. At this stage I think it's best of to stay friends instead of clan mates. Hope you understand. Cheers.
Title: Re: [Withdrawn]Death's Application!
Post by: TeddyTutu on July 03, 2012, 05:59:42 AM
That's to bad, i willy wanted to map with you.
Title: Re: [Withdrawn]Death's Application!
Post by: Sauce on July 03, 2012, 04:32:45 PM
Make these free running maps with the FAN clan then, seems to be your destiny.

Title: Re: [Withdrawn]Death's Application!
Post by: Death on July 09, 2012, 02:11:15 AM
I can make a lot better thing than that. ;p
Title: Re: [Withdrawn]Death's Application!
Post by: Skur on July 11, 2012, 08:12:07 PM