I thought it would be interesting to talk about different concepts related to geometry, trigonometry and drafting and how they could be applied in drafting out layouts. Learning principles in architecture, and studying it, also duplicating pictures you find on the net of different exterior and interior views of various structures and/or buildings. Also drafting out a layout, as if it where inside a structure. Making a great deal of the details come organically from logical supports, to hold up the structure. Obviously the optimal layout for game play of any size or intended game mode of a map is unlike any building, but it still can be incapsulated in a building like shell, and be made into a building like structure.
Now I never really taken the drafting approach before, but it might be good for some people and possibly me to. They're some people who seem to be able to make magnificient layouts right off the top of their minds, but some others may be able to make great creations from a more pre planned approach. Often times people just sit around and do nothing for a large majority of the time during editing, and one often gets mappers block; therefore, you'll be able to make up for the time it took to plan everything out. No one that I know of really ever used a drafting/architecural Engineering approach, to construct maps that function well in game. I think it's something to be considered for those who struggle making good layouts.
I was hoping we could share photos of interesting architecture, geometry/trigonometry/drafting software, drafted plans for layouts and anything helpful for a pre planned mapping approach. I'd love to eventually see a drafted out layout accompanied with an ogz of the map and recreations of random photos of architecture. My objective with this thread is to inspire some to try this approach, especially those who are good at detailling, yet struggle with layout design.
Awesome Drafting Software
Geometry Calculator
Some Pics:
Articles of Interest
Didn't read the post yet... but it reminded me of how one can make so many accurate shapes with just a compass and a pencil, as well as measure a number of precise angles with just a compass. ( No protractors! )
wow this is a great topic to have in the forum.
right now i have three ideas for maps so I'm going to try to pre plan them using google SketchUp, its for mac & windows
http://sketchup.google.com/download/ (http://sketchup.google.com/download/)
when i get some sketches done I'll post them here,
QuoteThey're some people who seem to be able to make magnificient layouts right off the top of their minds, but some others may be able to make great creations from a more pre planned approach.
Not saying i make magnificent layouts, but that's like me with everything. I never plan anything no matter what it involves... if i try to plan something i just sit there staring into a void and end up dividing by zero :P
I've always found i tend to make things up or go with the flow so to speak. Even in art class back in school, everyone else would plan ideas on what to draw for weeks in advance... i'd just scribble a few times until i end up with something workable then take it from there.
I guess that's creative in a sense, but at the same time it can be a gamble to end up with a "result".
The only tool outside of Sauer for making layouts or experimenting i have used is blender, i got a few ideas from playing around with that. As it gives you more freedom to create shapes quickly and easily for example.
Well whatever works for you. Even getting inspired by architecture could help, dunno.