omg... Just searched "high society" on google images trying to find fancy people. Dude, its some '80s porn magazine.
Holy shit, time to rock out with my cock out
Quote from: Zoocata on January 18, 2012, 10:43:21 AM
omg... Just searched "high society" on google images trying to find fancy people. Dude, its some '80s porn magazine.
Lol ;D ;D ;D
meet dandy jim
Those remind me of this.
Quote from: Apollo on January 18, 2012, 05:01:23 PM
Those remind me of this.
Lol, thats worthy of being saved to my random lolpics folder.
but seriously we have to get scans
Operation "find scans of Jodie Foster's sex-peditional teets" has begun
Well shit, search for Jodie, boys