It's 00:50am here in the UK. I'm sad enough to be at home doing nothing ;D
Sooo. Happy new year dudes and dudette's!
(Too bad the world ends this year, its been nice knowing you all!)
Happy new year from France :D
Wishing the best to you all :)
2:16am here.
Happy new year :)
Happy new year!
Romania, 3:45 AM, I've been out with some friends :)
Colorado USA, not New Years yet! 7:15 PM...
Only 9:19 PM in Ohio, but I'll be sure to wish you guys a happy new year in 3 hours!
Happy New Year All :)x
oops im a little bit late :3 hapy new year! :D 2.1.2012 - 10:19 =)
Happy fail year guys.. -_-
Last year was a freaking garbage heap, and so will this one be!
(13th month of 2011 ;P)
Heh. I've quite enjoyed the past year, and I intend on enjoying this one.
Life is no fun if you are cynical about everything.
This is the year I get lai- uhh... Errr... Yeah. Laid.