hey :D i got an idea :D (yeah i know it doesnt happen often but shut up)
so ... something like a little town with church, town hall, pubs and cinema (but everythin in an older style :D)
so i need some people to do it with?
pls answer me :D
Sure Storm, let me know when you'd like to work on it
I'm down with it, I'll be on tomorrow if you want to get started on it
do you guys got time next saturday? cause i will only edit on saturdays :o
lol why?
cause i only play computer on saturdays :o
yeah saturday should be fine for me see you then i guess
i think we could meet 19.00 o'clock gmt +1 german time
Quote from: Stormer:D on December 03, 2011, 02:15:52 PM
i think we could meet 19.00 o'clock gmt +1 german time
= 7pm
yes :D
i'll be in a rl town this afternoon :3
lol :D enjoy
sorry guys my internet isnt woking well :o
trolololol ;D ps. i'm back home :D