Spotted an article on slashdot yesterday about the release of a linux client for Desura:
I've been waiting for something like this for years.... may not be as big as 'steam', but its good enough to hopefully push more commercial game dev's onto linux. Mainly games created by indie developers (small price tags) and open-source ones at no cost.
Quin's sexy baby is even on there: :-* ;D
Spotted a few other open-source games playable with their client such as alien-arena. I hear they also have a Mac OSX client in the works.
What do you guys think, will it take off and possibly be a strong competitor to steam?
Until Steam stops marketing 'Steam Only' games, no.
Not sure if that would stop other developers going to Desura... look at companies like 'ID software'. They usually end up making Linux ports of their games, i think companies who are more willing to make their games run on other platforms besides windows will prefer Desura by a long shot.
I assume 'Rage' is available through stream, for windows only. Though when they release the Linux binary sometime soon, i'm hoping they whack it on Desura... no use trying to sell the game to linux users on a marketplace that doesn't even support it. ;)