Post some pics!
Here's some random crap by me. I'll throw up some better stuff later.
Forgive the quality. I compressed the shit out of everything for speedy upload time. :)
Amazing drawings bro
My doodles are utter shit, but I'll see if I can't find some fun ones
Does she get naked?
She does not. I drew these at school. :P
I've got more on the walls at the school. I'll snap some pics.
Better start drawin' at home.
Funny how the woman is always face less, it almost symbolizes something. Like a woman who has great physique, yet has no glimer of hope. It's kind of depressing and attractive at the same time, damn you Apollo Creed, for making me confused!
Now that I see vampi's, it makes more sense.
Quote from: Pupskuchen on November 18, 2011, 10:07:47 PM
;D ;D ;D
Good drawings though.
That is hilarous!
Quote from: Apollo on November 18, 2011, 02:58:28 AM
I compressed the shit out of everything for speedy upload time. :)
You can also try saving a grayscale JPG.