I would get chat logs if I knew how.
Anyway, Mr.Snooze has been impersonating Vampi.
Mapwrecking, spamming, and doing other inappropriate things.
Quote from me (after I checked hook): Hey vamp- or should i say Mr.Snooze.
Quote from Snooze: Oh, I'm on his computer. We're cousins.
Me: *kick*
first vampi imposter out there btw.
There was a ME impostor once.
He said, 'on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your editing skill?'
I said 8, and he asked me to show him a map. I showed him my great hall with the face in it.
He immediately started freaking out claiming it was his map. He then loaded up the MHQ terrain map and claimed the majority of the work to be his own, and to personally know 'Windecker' ( My name was 'Jake' at the time ) as I'd placed my name on my house in the map.
I promptly threw a few harsh words, kicked him, and then banned him.
Then I followed him around on other servers for a while using CSL. :P
Some people...
prrrrromptly banned his ass (via iptables)