
General Category => Mapping Hell Clan => Joining => Topic started by: Zoocata on October 12, 2011, 01:43:52 AM

Title: [Accepted] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on October 12, 2011, 01:43:52 AM
Well, after being barely rejected from FD (I can't duel for shit) I am back for more MH! Sweet begged me to come back, so I figured I would take it into consideration. I wasn't going to in the first place, but I figured I would try to come back. I will post some maps when I finish them, and I hope I get a yes. Thanks!
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Sweet on October 12, 2011, 02:20:55 AM
And Sweet is happy
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: vampirefrog on October 12, 2011, 02:21:08 AM
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Lazy Kat on October 12, 2011, 10:37:43 AM

      Welcome back, and I hope that your reign in hell is as eternal as it's flame. I hope you do make it in (again), and I will be happy to see you wearing the [MH] clantag asap! I hope you will be more of a hellraiser then a legionaire! Anyway, welcome back and what not... :D!
>.< >.< :D :D :D
Garm Kralljj
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Zoocata on October 13, 2011, 10:15:46 AM
Well, I won't be on sauerbraten for a while. My computer broke last night, so I have to use my iPad. May take a while for my replacement to get herer, so don't expect to see me any time soon.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Lazy Kat on October 13, 2011, 10:30:20 AM
Ah fuck...
I hope it comes in the next hour.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: vampirefrog on October 13, 2011, 04:10:08 PM
Zoo, you'll probably get positive votes and get right back in, but in the meanwhile, could you please vote for the joining people? It makes things simpler. Thanks!
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Zoocata on October 13, 2011, 05:56:25 PM
Does this mean I can wear the tag again?
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: vampirefrog on October 13, 2011, 07:13:02 PM
Quote from: Zoocata on October 13, 2011, 05:56:25 PM
Does this mean I can wear the tag again?
Not yet - we all need to vote for that. But I'm saying it's most likely that people will vote 'yes', so in that case, if the applications will still be open, you'll need to vote for the other applicants anyway. So you just vote sooner and do them a favor. That's all
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Zoocata on October 14, 2011, 11:52:35 PM
How exactly do I get back in the clan if I can't play the game? I'm using my moms laptop now, and I can't use it 24/7. I need to wait until I get a new netbook, and then I can coop edit with you guys. What do I do in the mean time? Sweet prolly has some maps of mine, he could post the ones that he thinks are good enough.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: vampirefrog on October 15, 2011, 12:02:28 AM
I guess that works, as long as they're recent, and they're not the same maps you joined with.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Zoocata on October 19, 2011, 04:44:23 AM
Yo, currently working on a map. Here it is.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Skur on October 19, 2011, 10:48:07 AM
good luck zoocata  :D
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: vampirefrog on October 21, 2011, 08:40:48 PM
Zoo, I can't give you my vote right now. It just looks so simple and nooby. And chunky. The only thing I liked were the static effect and the small chandelier, which I've already seen elsewhere (similar). Vote is negative for now. Please work on your map.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Zoocata on October 21, 2011, 10:59:50 PM
Like I said WIP. I'm doing the base for just now, not doing anything else. I will start detailing soon.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Zoocata on October 23, 2011, 05:16:06 AM
Hello MH, I am informing you that this application is officially CANCELED
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: vampirefrog on October 23, 2011, 05:20:11 AM
Ruh roh. Are you going to post another application?
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Zoocata on October 23, 2011, 08:05:30 AM
Sadly no. I will be going clanless for a while. I might in the far future reapply.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Sweet on October 23, 2011, 11:14:07 AM
I has a sad :'(
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: MajorReign on October 23, 2011, 11:17:50 AM
me has sad too :((
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Skur on October 23, 2011, 12:12:12 PM
why?? D:
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: vampirefrog on October 23, 2011, 01:03:42 PM
Sorry to hear that.

Marking thread as Cancelled.
Title: Re: [Cancelled] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Zoocata on October 23, 2011, 07:17:48 PM
Meh. Forget it. You guys are my family! I can't leave. Open this baby back up.
PS: I cancelled because I didn't like how  things were going (application wise). I then realized that I can't leave you guys :3
Title: Re: [Cancelled] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Zoocata on October 23, 2011, 07:18:31 PM
Oh, and the fact that it was 4:00 in the morning, so I couldn't really think straight.
Title: Re: [Cancelled] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Pupskuchen on October 23, 2011, 08:07:32 PM


Title: Re: [Cancelled] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Sweet on October 23, 2011, 08:32:17 PM
Ruv yoo
Title: Re: [Cancelled] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Skur on October 23, 2011, 09:00:34 PM
haha, but nice that u're back :D
Title: Re: [Cancelled] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Zoocata on October 24, 2011, 05:27:31 AM
Working on a church. Finished it today, and added lights. problem is, I can't seem to find it in my custom maps dir. :/
Title: Re: [Cancelled] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Skur on October 24, 2011, 08:24:45 AM
then use /savemap base/blablacurch
Title: Re: [Cancelled] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is happy.
Post by: Sweet on October 26, 2011, 07:00:59 PM
Taking the 'Cancelled' off of this Application. It ain't canceled bro.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on October 27, 2011, 02:14:34 AM
Thanks. :)
Also, here is a church I made.
And a M-ch. (micro compact home)
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on October 27, 2011, 03:38:57 AM
I see lights!



Vote is yes.


Oh, well, you can't make me orgasm with just your penis.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Skur on October 27, 2011, 03:14:57 PM
i have one word to say: yes yes
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Pupskuchen on October 27, 2011, 04:50:26 PM
I have three words to say: yes

Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on October 27, 2011, 05:07:40 PM
Awaiting vote: Windecker, Leo, Fixxit, Vampirefrog,

Yes: P1nokjo, Sweet, Pupskuchen, Boognish, Unixfreak

Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Boognish on November 02, 2011, 02:35:39 AM
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 02, 2011, 02:49:14 AM
Try uploading Screenshots, Zoo.
It'll speed up the process.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 02, 2011, 03:57:50 AM
Problem: I haven't updated my maps :P but I am working on a spaceship :3
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: unixfreak on November 02, 2011, 05:29:58 AM
I thought you were already a member?  :P
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 02, 2011, 05:36:21 AM
He was. Then left, to apply for FD. Then got rejected, and came back here.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 02, 2011, 05:55:00 AM
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 03, 2011, 05:41:45 AM
Does anyone even follow this thread? ;_;
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Pupskuchen on November 03, 2011, 08:09:23 AM
Quote from: Zoocata on November 03, 2011, 05:41:45 AM
Does anyone even follow this thread? ;_;

Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 08, 2011, 01:27:33 AM
Jake voted yes.
Thought I took a screeny. Cant find it though :/
anyways, check IRC logs for proof :P
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Apollo on November 08, 2011, 02:41:54 AM
I confirm this statement.

Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 15, 2011, 04:25:18 AM
Vote status:

Yes: P1nokjo, Sweet, Boognish, Unixfreak, Pupskuchen

No: Vampirefrog

I'm not really sure. Kinda yes, kinda no, kinda up and a little down. : Jake

Awaiting vote: Leo, Hawk-Eye, MrFixxit
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 15, 2011, 04:56:02 AM
Vampi said to me he has not really voted yet, and Jake has voted yes.
awating: boognish, leo, mr fixxit, unixfreak, p1no, and pups
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 15, 2011, 05:00:22 AM
screenies of AWESOMENESS (4 hours of work D:)
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 15, 2011, 05:14:58 AM
P1, Unix, and Pups all said yes, bro
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 15, 2011, 05:15:43 AM
ah ok
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 15, 2011, 05:21:24 AM
Boognish said yes too. Hawk Eye needs to vote
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 15, 2011, 05:22:44 AM
Also Leo
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Lazy Kat on November 15, 2011, 06:03:58 AM
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Leo on November 15, 2011, 09:34:33 AM
Oops lol,

I was ignoring this post ;D

Vote is YES
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Hawk_eye on November 15, 2011, 09:40:22 AM
my vote is.....

Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 15, 2011, 09:43:05 AM
Vampi, this leaves you! :D
One more vote and I'm back in the clan ^^
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Leo on November 15, 2011, 09:44:04 AM
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 15, 2011, 02:01:23 PM
And Fixxit
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: vampirefrog on November 15, 2011, 06:05:15 PM
Alright, you have my vote: yes

I'd like to know how you built that torus.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 15, 2011, 06:18:11 PM
Don't ask me to do it again @_@
This means I'm back in the clan?
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: vampirefrog on November 15, 2011, 06:24:17 PM
as long as everyone has voted yes

I'm just curious about the process you used to make that thing. Is it hand-made or generated with wrack's code?
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 15, 2011, 06:31:07 PM
Fixxit needs to vote
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: vampirefrog on November 15, 2011, 06:37:42 PM
Vote needs to fixxit
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 15, 2011, 06:39:43 PM
Quote from: vampirefrog on November 15, 2011, 06:37:42 PM
Vote needs to fixxit
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 17, 2011, 06:38:10 PM
Ummmm... Isn't Fixxit inactive? I messaged him on facebook and everything, no response.
so uhhhh... If he IS inactive, then an I back in the clan? :D
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: vampirefrog on November 17, 2011, 07:03:21 PM
ruh roh

yeah I guess. we need a confirmation from him or some evidence of inactivity
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 18, 2011, 02:32:35 AM
I was chatting with Cooper today, as I was eager to show him my Greek map. He then duly insulted it- but that's another story.

Anyways, he said this about your donut. After my experience with him, I feel more inclined to believe Zoo, but I would like to know what the deal (if any) is here.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 18, 2011, 03:37:05 AM
There is no lie about this. Cooper is just being himself not liking me. He doesn't want MH to grow any further. I made the donut, and I honestly have no clue what I did to him.
Even if Wrack DID make this donut with a program, then that program doesn't work properly, as some of the cubes I was unhappy with, and it made the donut a stick out in some places.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: vampirefrog on November 18, 2011, 12:20:55 PM
man, what a dick bag :D
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Lazy Kat on November 19, 2011, 12:21:15 AM
Wasn't Cooper in this clan once?
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 19, 2011, 12:55:06 AM
Quote from: Garm_Kralljj on November 19, 2011, 12:21:15 AM
Wasn't Cooper in this clan once?
Aye. MH made 'im what 'e is today.
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: vampirefrog on November 19, 2011, 01:26:45 AM
Marching penises
Title: Re: Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: vampirefrog on November 19, 2011, 01:27:13 AM
Anyway, fuck it, Zoocata can wear the tag.
Title: Re: [Accepted] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Pupskuchen on November 19, 2011, 01:49:12 AM
Now you made a decision yourself, again...

wb Zoocata :)
Title: Re: [Accepted] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 19, 2011, 01:50:45 AM
Yay! Go Zooooooooo!
Title: Re: [Accepted] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 19, 2011, 05:58:42 AM
Title: Re: [Accepted] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: vampirefrog on November 20, 2011, 10:28:21 PM
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 20, 2011, 10:32:22 PM
May I have your attention
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Zoocata on November 20, 2011, 10:35:51 PM
Hey guys, sorry about the torus.... I was too eager to get back in the clan. Apologies to the cm clan, and best wishes to all of you :)
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 20, 2011, 10:42:01 PM
Hey guys, sorry bout the whole 9/11 thing, we cool?

Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 20, 2011, 10:42:52 PM
For those of you who are wondering what's going on, Zoo didn't make the torus, he took it from some map. It's okay though, I gave him angry anal, I think he learned his lesson.
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 21, 2011, 02:58:28 AM
He took the donut. If that changes your vote.

I'm leaving my vote there because he apologized.
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: TeddyTutu on November 21, 2011, 03:19:14 AM
oh thats it? yeah my vote is still yes
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Apollo on November 21, 2011, 04:58:04 AM
The issue has been addressed. He still has my vote.
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Pupskuchen on November 21, 2011, 02:29:57 PM
omg, mark him as accepted and close this thread O_O
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: vampirefrog on November 21, 2011, 02:35:20 PM
Quote from: Mr.Fixxit694 on November 21, 2011, 02:51:46 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, the Royal Tarts have arrived!
Hello? Take my vote?

This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace. ....wait whats going one here? sorry i wasn't keeping up with this topic my vote is yes if he didn't take the map.. also i didn't get any FB message

Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Apollo on November 21, 2011, 03:40:57 PM
What did I just watch? @_@
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: vampirefrog on November 21, 2011, 03:44:00 PM
adventure time with finn and jake!

adventure time
cmon grab your friends
we'll go to very distant lands
with jake the dog and finn the human
fun will never end
it's adventure time
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 21, 2011, 04:11:46 PM
It's the best show in the world!
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: vampirefrog on November 21, 2011, 06:30:28 PM
Quote from: Sweet on November 21, 2011, 02:58:28 AM
He took the donut.

Spare us the slang. Also, I vote for no bronies left out.
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Pupskuchen on November 21, 2011, 07:40:28 PM
close this thread now. it's annoying
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Lazy Kat on November 22, 2011, 12:28:54 AM
Quote from: Sweet on November 21, 2011, 04:11:46 PM
It's the best show in the world!
HELLZ NO! IT IS RETARDTED! WHY DO PEOPLE WATCH RETARDED THINGS ANYMORE!?!?!??!?!?! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on November 22, 2011, 12:41:52 AM
Get out.
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Boognish on November 22, 2011, 03:13:26 AM


1. hes awesome
2. he can map awesome
3. hes awesome

Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: TeddyTutu on November 22, 2011, 03:18:56 AM
Quote from: Garm_Kralljj on November 22, 2011, 12:28:54 AM
Quote from: Sweet on November 21, 2011, 04:11:46 PM
It's the best show in the world!
HELLZ NO! IT IS RETARDTED! WHY DO PEOPLE WATCH RETARDED THINGS ANYMORE!?!?!??!?!?! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

how is it retarded? just because you don't like it doesn't mean its retarded and do you even have a good reason to call it retarded? i think the show haves great quality's like awesome art work / good voice acting / awesome story plots/ funny & original scripts/ but even if you did have a good reason to dislike the show its impolite to trash someone likes so next time you have something to say keep it to yourself or just say its not your cup of tea.
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: vampirefrog on November 22, 2011, 03:59:35 PM
Dimmy gib you kisses!
Title: Re: [Derp] Zoocata is back, and Sweet is horny.
Post by: Sweet on December 02, 2011, 03:43:23 AM
Locking now