First of all, I got needlessly kicked and banned by a guy named Doom|DK. He runs some "Dark Knights" clan, which is new and awful. That's first. The second thing is an issue of more pressing importance. I was playing on a server when a guy who was named "Noobguy" connected. I told him to wear his normal clantag, so I could make sure it was him. He said "Sorry, I forgot it, wat is it?" So anyhoo, he revealed that his name is SATAN!!!! (yes, the name of the player who created Reissen), and I had seen him playing with Doom. Well, I told him impersonation was wrong, and he claimed that clans like MH (yes, he specifically said MH, although I believe he was talking about clans in general), were ruining this game. So he said "I am a great editor, I made Reissen". Clearly, he was lying. I went to Reissen, and yes, SATAN!!! is in the maptitle. However, SATAN!!! is not active, nor would he act the way he was acting. The impersonator told me editing was in his blood, so I asked him if he could make a sphere. He said he could. I newmapped, and unspecced him. He deleted half of the map and said "MAPFUCKER!". After me telling him he was an asshat a few more times, he asked if "I could make the sphere, just to test me". This was some bullshit, clearly, as he would just copy it. Anyhoo, Jake, as SATAN!!! is an actual respected mapmaker, I suggest you post some sort of reference to this on Quad, as his good name should not be tarnished.
P.S. Eventually I muted him, about after he said "You are a blakc nigr who's parints are divoched"
lawl divoched
didja get his IP? what server was this on?
Didn't get his IP. This was on Pwn Clan Server 2
Eentoresting. Just some eight year old with no respect, trying to get attention.
If the Pwn Clan Server 2 has some contact info in the MOTD, try contacting them. Otherwise there isnt much you can do, except maybe notify the real SATAN!!!. Also, I'd suggest not minding such small-time trolls. When you join a server and someone else is already master, you're exposing yourself to all sorts of stupid behavior from them. That's why we made our own servers.
I'm not worried.
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Yes, I have edited with Doom, and he is a noob. :P but yes, he has kicked me numerous times because of someone ELSE map-wrecking. Kick him on sight, he has wrecked my maps too.