His name is =CA=Leapord
He stole from NNHQ, among other things. I got screenies =D
He kicked me immediately after the second screenshot.
sorry, i moved this topic to the general discussion section, it's not the type of news to post in the news section.
Also, did you get his IP?
My apologies, this was urgent for me =P
Also, thanks for the IP, is the "kicks" section people he's kicked?
the kicks section has the most recent 20 kicks for the server (jim dandy), not just him. but you were probably on another server when it happened.
Ah, that makes sense. Anyhoo, keep a look out for him.
EDIT: I totes forgot, he claimed the race map that Finn and Misan made was made by him and bong. Screenshots attached.
remember, some of us are quadropolis admins, and that's basically where maps get posted, so we don't have that worry (they can't post it to quadropolis and claim it's theirs)
I know that =)
I have no worry that they'd actually have the balls to post them on Quad.
It's simply when they create their "clans" and use things from other clan maps.
EDIT: That's implying they actually know about Quad.
I am able to take down any content posted on quad if it is plagiarized or stolen... So if it ends up there...
Jake is god
NEW SCREENSHOTS! He seems to have stolen Kraiden's Halo guns. Dig?
EDIT: I'm Brago, by the way, he kicks "Sweet" on site.
ANOTHER EDIT BRO: Anyhoo, I used my pull with Sparky4 to threaten him to be permabanned from a couple servers, (he was on Yotsubanome at the time). I got him to delete all stolen things, and, in fact, he made the choice to close his clan. o.0
Well, the crisis seems averted, anyways.