Let me start with some backstory. The project is simple enough anyway ._.
I was rifling through my magic cards collection, and I came across this Pretty thing. (http://magiccards.info/scans/en/rav/294.jpg) So I was like "Oh hey this is absolutely wonderful, why don't I post it up here and see if I can get some clan members to map with and ultimately make something very, very, pretty. (Also oh fantastic a 60 vs 60 map, because I expect it to be large) I'll keep on looking and see if I can get a larger version of the image, too.
Feedback? :D
I think this would make an amazing map.
Looks basically like Gothic style towers and objects floating in the sky.
I think looking up some Gothic architecture and posting some good architectural references would put everybody on the right track.
yes, looks nice
if we could emulate the clouds somehow, that would be even cooler
I bet if you play around with steam particles you might get something akin to it
But they'ed need to be HUGE and slow moving
perhaps, though.
I think huge is possible. Moving? I don't know.
might work with mapmodels + alpha texture, but that's not for sure, since sauer doesn't do alpha sorting. so let's try steam particles
If it did alpha sorting, we could simply layer models with a large transparent texture.
have a concept art http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/mtgcom/arcana300/903_islandconcept.jpg
Alright. I made up a rough sketch of the map. Here you go.
We should also schedule a mapping session. ._.
sdfsdfsdg. Great job mapping today guys.
Here's the result of our hard work-
also http://rlv.zcache.com/strasbourg_cathedral_note_card-p137526307774617441cip5_400.jpg
Hi, what has been going on with this project?
Might I suggest setting some milestones? For example: 1. Finish rough sketch; 2. Add rough textures. 3... and so on
I'm alive!
Um, the rough sketch is already done. And I just usually hang out in hexus or jim-dandy with this map and work on it, I've just been dead for the past 2 months :<
hexus still runs?
Naw, Hexus has been down since we got the second ISP.