Welcome to our recruiting section. You probably got here cause you want to be in our clan, or because we asked you to be in our clan.
To join, please read the rules below and then post in the recruiting section (http://hell.grigoriada.net/forum/index.php/board,9.0.html), so we can see your work. Post some info about yourself, and screenshots of your maps, or just your maps. You can upload attachments, so use that feature.You need to have a good attitude, and at least one of the following skills. Note that your proficiency must be above average (i.e. not only not a noob, but you better be good at it):
Mapping skills:
- Lighting - either realistic (sunlight, lamp light) or surreal (weird colours). Subtlety is the word here.
- Making good map layouts
- Adding details to an existing layout
- Adding tiny details to an existing object
- Making furniture, and other objects that are placed either at the interior of a room, or the outside.
- Making caves and stones
- Knowledge of existing architectural styles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architectural_style)
- Knowledge of architectural structures (like brick layout, beams, pillars, stuff that goes on the inside of a wall, window shapes etc).
- General creativity
Texture skills:
- Making new textures
- Inserting them into sauer/BF
- Tweaking them from sauer/BF cfg file (scrolling, rotation, scale and other effects)
Modeling skills:
- Making custom models (furniture, trees, other objects)
- Making new player models (ie like ironsnout and mr. fixit)
- Importing them into sauer/BF
Audio skills:
- Making ambient sounds
- Making other sounds (for example, to replace the default sauer/BF sounds)
Tutorial skills:
- Use your existing knowledge to write good tutorials
Programming skills:
- CubeScript-ing
- C/C++ programming, to modify either the client or the server, or whatever might help.
Other skills:
- Please leave a reply here with skills to add to this list. Maybe we forgot some.
If you don't have any of these skills, but you'd like to be in the clan anyway, there is one more thing that might get you in:
- A good learning attitude. The desire to learn new things. Anybody can learn new things, you just need some patience. You can either learn by yourself (either in coopedit, or offline), or just ask one of us and we will teach you something or other, perhaps something you saw on one of our maps and you liked. We've met people that had this good learning attitude, and taught them new things. We've also met people that learned by themselves and increased their skill in time. We're also increasing our skill in time. There is no 'maximum skill', you'll always be learning something new.
We don't have any rules, just "have fun". There is no leader, but Skylax is the founder of the clan.
To join, please read the rules above and then post in the recruiting section (http://hell.grigoriada.net/forum/index.php/board,9.0.html), so we can see your work. Post some info about yourself, and screenshots of your maps, or just your maps. You can upload attachments, so use that feature.
How to submit a joining request?
Create a new topic following thoses few instructions.
Subject : Your in-game name (The one you use most of the time and you would like to wear the tag).
Red = You must answer this question.
Blue = You answer only if you want to.
Black = Sample of answer.
| Copy / Paste this and answer |
Name : ??
Age : Between 1 and 100.
Country : One in the earth please.
In Game
How long have you been playing ? How did you discover the game ?
I've been playing sauerbraten for 5 years (yea sure). I discovered it thanks to my cat who jumped on the keyboard and it typed : "saauuerbrttenne".
What are your favorite game modes (exept coopedit)? Why?
Ffa because I keep camping the quad and I feel powerfull.
When are you usually online?
Tuesdays only, from 18h20 to 18h23.
Why Mapping Hell?
B3CUZ 1T R0X (If you write that you haven't any chance to join us).
What will you bring to the team ?
Happiness, good ideas for maps. Random layouts.
What do you prefer to do in coopedit? Why?
I love to create texture. I think that writing scripts is too hard. Layout are quite easy too, but I'm not good to add details...
How many mapping projects did you start?
About 100, mostly 1on1 maps and some other useless one.
How many maps have you finished? How many have you uploaded on quadropolis (links) ?
0, I have no motivation.
What is your favourite kind of map ?
Funmap (race / trick / artistic / rpg) and playable (ctf, 1on1, 30on30).
/!\ Don't forget to upload screenshots, videos or maps (ogz files) /!\
Do you want to add something else ?
I'm the best !!! please let me in !!!
Administrator will put tags on the name of the topic :
[Accepted] : Mean that you can wear the tag. Topic will be locked.
[Rejected] : You'll have to practice some more and to present better stuff to join us. You haven't answered for 2 weeks. Topic will be locked : send a private message to an admin if you want to reopen it.
[Pending] : We're waiting for you to answer, or deciding if you can join or not.
I would like to add that appliers have significantly less chances to get accepted if we haven't see them in our life before they have posted in the forums.
Come to our servers/irc and get to know us before making a formal application.
I would like to disagree with that, SirAlex.
When I applied, I had spent no more than forty seconds with any of the clan members. ( Vampi was the first I met, actually )
I stumbled upon the HQ and asked if I could join the clan, I was stunned by the map. I was given a link to the forums, so I applied, and was accepted. :]
What I meant was mostly for people with little editing experience.
No, sorry, the rules are -- mappers can have little experience with mapping, but a good attitude -- but in order to see that good attitude, they need to coopedit with us.
The point is having fun.
I would like to add something for the people who answer the requests.
The answers must be respectful and cordial.
No humiliation will be tolerated.
I ask you to argue at most to help the candidates and not only denigrate them.
Being member of the clan do not make you superior to the appliers.
(Yes, this is a warning. I wish you will understand what I meant.)
Sounds good. This should be posted as as sub text on the recruiting post above. Just so nobody can say "I didn't see it!"