
Archive => The Mega Archive => Topic started by: vampirefrog on July 21, 2010, 01:12:50 PM

Title: The Zaharia corner
Post by: vampirefrog on July 21, 2010, 01:12:50 PM
There's a player named Zaharia. He was wearing the {IUS} tag at some point, now he seems to wear some other tag. His words only make half sense, so i'm trying to collect server logs in order to make some sense of what he is saying. Also, he might have some disorder (dyslexia? no idea) so maybe we can track its name down.

He's from Romania, but not Bucharest. He told me once the city, but i forgot.
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: vampirefrog on July 21, 2010, 01:15:38 PM
Wednesday, July 21 2010, 12:47 EEST

<spamela> Connected: {GER}Shaun
<spamela> {GER}Shaun claimed master. Mastermode is open (0)
<spamela> Mastermode is now locked (2).
<spamela> Map: canyonwar (coop edit)
<spamela> Connected: MS|Zaharia[E]
<spamela> Connected: [SSC]Death_Deal
<spamela> Disconnect: [SSC]Death_Deal
<vampirefrog> @who
<spamela> vampirefrog: {GER}Shaun (0/master/editing) MS|Zaharia[E] (1/spectator)
<spamela> Connected: [SSC]Death_Deal
<spamela> <[SSC]Death_Deal> ssc rules you faggots
<spamela> Disconnect: [SSC]Death_Deal
<spamela> Connected: Zed
<spamela> Disconnect: Zed
<spamela> Connected: Zed
<spamela> <Zed> hi
<spamela> <Zed> sendmap ?
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> hi
<spamela> Disconnect: Zed
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> hi
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> hi
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> wow
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> :D
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> :D
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> Can i help need light high ?
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> i have light already
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> ok
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> u cant see the light because u are spectator
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> :D
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> :o
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> xD
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> Nice shot
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> yeah
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> wow light xD ahh
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> FT-gaming server on ?
* Blarget2 ( has joined #hellserver
* Q gives voice to Blarget2
<spamela> Connected: ASSASINSCRED
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> ?
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> i dont know which server this is... :D
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> The server will be closing within a nonths time dus to lack of money.FT your wisf to donate please please visit our site  ?
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> ...
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> {GER}Shaun ping Tu server dont unber The server will be closing within a nonths time dus to lack of money.FT your wisf to donate please please visit our site  ?
<spamela> Connected: AtomicTwister
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> i not so good in english.... sry, cant understand u
<spamela> <AtomicTwister> Hi kann ich rein
<spamela> Disconnect: AtomicTwister
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> hmm ok... kannsta n deinem turm weiterbauen...
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> Can i good job english understanrt boss lol FT-gaming yeah ?
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]>  {GER}Shaun now english :| sorry now u Ger Can i good job english understanrt boss lol FT-gaming yeah ?
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> yeah yeah yeah.... -.-
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> :D lost
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> ...
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> haha
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> ok bye now {ger}shaun
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> ...
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> why ... ?|
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> why not...?!
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> ^^
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> i dont say anything to someone like u....! with haha and adjahsfhajsfhcsbge... -.-
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> lol
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> wft
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia[E]> wft anything -.- some Lol
<spamela> Client disconnected because: kicked/banned.
<spamela> Disconnect: MS|Zaharia[E]
<spamela> <{GER}Shaun> ...
<spamela> Client disconnected because: ip is banned.
<spamela> Disconnect: ASSASINSCRED
<spamela> Map: academy (coop edit)
<spamela> Map: academy (ffa)
<spamela> {GER}Shaun relinquished master. Mastermode is open (0)
<spamela> Disconnect: {GER}Shaun
<spamela> All bans cleared.
<vampirefrog> dyslexia?
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: Apollo on July 21, 2010, 05:28:41 PM
I remember him. I can check my logs if youd like.
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: Kastra on July 21, 2010, 07:01:04 PM
a long one from a while back
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: vampirefrog on July 21, 2010, 09:11:23 PM
Yes (copied here for reference):

* Now talking on #hellserver
* Topic for #hellserver is: Please join #mappinghell, our new official channel.
* Topic for #hellserver set by Q at Mon Mar  8 13:52:48 2010
* Q gives channel operator status to fantasticulous
<spamela> <Zama> whats this room
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> XD
<spamela> <FZlThe-Prodigy> x)
<spamela> Player {PWNER}Zaharia is now a spectator.
<spamela> Player {PWNER}Zaharia is no longer a spectator.
<fantasticulous> @who
<spamela> fantasticulous: {PWNER}Zaharia (1/master/alive/Romania) Zama (0/editing/United States) FZlThe-Prodigy (2/editing/France)
<spamela> Player {PWNER}Zaharia is now a spectator.
<spamela> Player {PWNER}Zaharia is no longer a spectator.
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> WATNING -.-
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> sorry
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> x:)
<spamela> <FZlThe-Prodigy> c u all
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> LOL
<spamela> Disconnect: FZlThe-Prodigy
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> WFT ?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> wow
<fantasticulous> zaharia, it's "WTF", not "WFT"
<fantasticulous> @info
<spamela> fantasticulous: Server info: mastermode=locked gamemode=coop edit map={IUS}Zaharia players=2 uptime=18:25:27 port=28785 rss=3592kB vsz=5852kB version=39fdad8
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> no
<fantasticulous> what does WFT mean?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> WFT Zama  NOT
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> lol
<fantasticulous> what is WFT?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> Zama play
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> name Zama WFT not >.<
<spamela> <Zama> who that?
<fantasticulous> i'm the admin
<fantasticulous> can you understand what he's saying?
<spamela> Connected: Likan from France
<spamela> <Zama> little
<spamela> Connected: [MH]vampirefrog from Romania
<Catelite> I've been trying since this morning
<Catelite> It's like word salad to me
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> :>
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> worf
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> yes word salad man
<spamela> <Likan> elle est seche
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> zaharia, what is WFT?
<Catelite> I want to make a bot like Zaharia
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> no
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> hi
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> hi
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> or /addbot
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> what means WFT?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> yes
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> WFT Zama
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> what is "WFT Zama"?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> how old are you zaharia?
<spamela> Disconnect: Likan
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> lol.
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> what is your age?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> cati ani ai?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> how have verg your jsut want like
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> verg?
<spamela> Connected: unnamed from Netherlands
<spamela> <unnamed> hi
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> don't i can make your verg your
<Catelite> SEE
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> name:unnamed
<Catelite> Word SALAD
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> sorry
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> what is verg?
<Catelite> Zaharia is from another dimension
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> lol
<Skilax> Hello, Ich bin Rodolph, Como esta en la casa?
<spamela> <unnamed> yes he speaks alien
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> yes
<spamela> <unnamed> see :)
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> or /nextmap
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> what planet are you from zaharia?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> Skilax hi
<Skilax> Hello :p
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> nextmap ?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> or /nextmap
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> $$
<Skilax> Nah, try to pwn Vampi
<Skilax> He sucks at insta :p
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> hallo
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> yes let's insta
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> unspec pls
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> :P
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> sorry not lol u can
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> why not?
<Skilax> (Is he trying to speak?)
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> no
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> please?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> MH LOL
<spamela> <unnamed> zaharia your lol not your yes ok?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> Mapping Hell
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> PWNER
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> xD
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> yes
<spamela> <unnamed> ok :)
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> no, sorry, i don't want to be in your clan
<Skilax> O.O
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> name unnamed your kick lol fuckmap
<spamela> <unnamed> no
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> he didn't fuckmap
<spamela> <unnamed> not i fuckmap not your please
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> don't kick him
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> xD
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> ok
<Skilax> If you kick him you'll be permaban :p
<spamela> <unnamed> thanks your very :)
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> oh MH vampirefrog
<spamela> Player [MH]vampirefrog is no longer a spectator.
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> thank you
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> sendmap?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> ok
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> ty
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> go
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> o.O
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> haha
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> lol
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> is this your map?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> DVD-RAW oh now your lol
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> DVD-RAW si-di wow cool :p
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> :P
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> is this caca?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> yes make
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> i make caca
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> XD
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> xD
<spamela> <unnamed> nice table
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> haha
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> haha
<spamela> Connected: S3th from Germany
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> nice sewers
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> yes
<spamela> Connected: TKO|llevi from Hungary
<spamela> <TKO|llevi> hi all
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> lock your
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> ?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> haha
<spamela> <TKO|llevi> pls send and unlock
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> no
<spamela> <TKO|llevi> why?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> can i build?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> locked your don't just mapfuck ?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> ok ?
<spamela> <TKO|llevi> no i no fuck map
<spamela> <TKO|llevi> maps
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> Connected: The_Tramp from Isle of Man
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> can i make something?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> da
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> ok
<spamela> <unnamed> vampirefrog do all MH members meet to the requirements written in the 'how to join topic'?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> yeah
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> why
<spamela> <unnamed> impressive
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> n2
<Catelite> >.>
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> o.O
<Catelite> <.<
<spamela> <TKO|llevi> pls unspect
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> ok locked lol
<spamela> <The_Tramp> VERY NICE
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> >.> ?
<spamela> <The_Tramp> Like the undergroupness
<spamela> Player TKO|llevi is no longer a spectator.
<spamela> Disconnect: unnamed
<spamela> <TKO|llevi> thx :)
<spamela> <The_Tramp> Grtoundness
<spamela> Disconnect: S3th
<spamela> Disconnect: The_Tramp
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> wft
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> zaharia, "wtf" means "what the fuck"
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> what does "wft" mean?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> your focsani just lol make
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> o.O
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> eu sunt din bucuresti
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> ok
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> eu am 24 de ani tu cati ani ai?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> 9 de ani yes
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> :)
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> ok
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> can i just yes
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> ..............
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> error
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> ?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> shidt
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> glass?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> ^
<spamela> Connected: Assasine from Germany
<spamela> Disconnect: Assasine
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> :(
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> :(
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> you deleted my window
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> you didn't like it?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> nu-ti placea?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> yes
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> de ce ai sters-o?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> :)
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> XD
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> :(
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> yes?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> ...
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> :(
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> f2 LOL
<spamela> Connected: ana from Romania
* old-git (~oldgit@ has joined #hellserver
* Q gives voice to old-git
<spamela> Disconnect: ana
<old-git> hi peeps
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> hi old-git
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> ok
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> go
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> yes
<spamela> Connected: #-GiiTy-# from France
<spamela> Disconnect: #-GiiTy-#
<spamela> Connected: #-GiiTy-# from France
<spamela> Disconnect: #-GiiTy-#
<old-git> @who
<spamela> old-git: {PWNER}Zaharia (1/master/editing/Romania) Zama (0/editing/United States) [MH]vampirefrog (3/editing/Romania) TKO|llevi (5/alive/Hungary)
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> mic
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> da?
<spamela> <TKO|llevi> bye
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog>  e bine?
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> da
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> bb
<spamela> Disconnect: TKO|llevi
<spamela> Connected: oldgit from United Kingdom
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> Sending map...
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> ...done. Please type /getmap.
<spamela> <oldgit> elo
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> ok
<spamela> <{PWNER}Zaharia> eu
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> tu
<spamela> {PWNER}Zaharia is now known as {IUS}Zaharia
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ius oh
<spamela> Connected: eBeatYou|C2 from Norway
<spamela> Disconnect: eBeatYou|C2
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> zaharia do you want to see my map?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> map ?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> my map
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> vrei sa vezi?
* jonlimle ( has joined #hellserver
* Q gives voice to jonlimle
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> map fukmap kicked
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> nu
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> WOW
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> jsut
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> yes wow
<spamela> <oldgit> nice telly and stuff
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> wft lol yes
<spamela> Connected: Kastra|Ebola from United Kingdom
<spamela> <oldgit> sry tv
<spamela> Master server registration succeeded.
<spamela> <Kastra|Ebola> hey vampi, oldgit
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> no mapfuk kick wft lol XD
<spamela> <oldgit> hey
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> lol
<Catelite> Gah
<spamela> Kastra|Ebola is now known as Kastra
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> your now u game
<Catelite> Vampi, I thought you were him
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> kastra
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> xD
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> Ebola
<spamela> <Kastra> oh god not you lol
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> ebola virus?
<spamela> <oldgit> deadly
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> lol
<spamela> <Kastra> yeah lol
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> i am infected xD
<spamela> <Kastra> pwned
<spamela> <oldgit> infected he is no
<spamela> <Zama> k seeya
<spamela> Disconnect: Zama
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> oku
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> you can unspec oldgit and kastra, they are ok they don't mapfuck
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> Sending map...
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> ...done. Please type /getmap.
<spamela> <Kastra> meh stop getmaping pc
<spamela> <Kastra> lol
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> yes
<spamela> <Kastra> it keeps getmaping?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> yes
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> shit
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> really?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> try reconnecting
<spamela> <oldgit> lol
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> you're getmapping
<spamela> <Kastra> omg fail
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> hi
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> fun lol your :P
<spamela> Disconnect: Kastra
<spamela> Connected: Kastra from United Kingdom
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> o.O
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> shift
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> no
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> C and V
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> copy and paste
<spamela> <oldgit> unspec lol play build lots
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> wft old lol git
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> c ^Shift
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ^^
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> no, i don't use shift
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> C oh
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> you can press C then move the selection then press V
<spamela> <oldgit> c and v only
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> .............
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> fun
<spamela> <oldgit> ah em
<spamela> <Kastra> how have you done the TV?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> TV no
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> who made the tv?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> fun wow
<spamela> <Kastra> looks like redons work
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> no, i think this guy made most of the map
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> kastra, who made the video players?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> i mean zaharia, who made the video players?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> lol cigarette
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> mic
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> -.-
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> mult fum :))
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ...................
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> fun now
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> o.O
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> 1
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> O.o
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> heh
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ok
<spamela> <oldgit> ahem
<spamela> Connected: borad from Germany
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> uite
<spamela> Disconnect: borad
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> yes
<spamela> <oldgit> i stoped now 5 weeks
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> XD
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ok
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> o.O
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> 12
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> :D
* k77141-kastra (~Defined@ has joined #hellserver
* Q gives voice to k77141-kastra
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> glorp
<spamela> <oldgit> whistles and taps foot
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> gobble gobble gobble
<spamela> Player {IUS}Zaharia is now a spectator.
<spamela> Player {IUS}Zaharia is no longer a spectator.
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ping:10
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> o.O
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> yes :D
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> kills STOP fuk
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> ok
<spamela> Player {IUS}Zaharia is now a spectator.
<spamela> Player {IUS}Zaharia is no longer a spectator.
<spamela> <Kastra> .
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> lol wft
<spamela> Player {IUS}Zaharia is now a spectator.
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> WFT?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> U CAN JUST OUT LOL ?
<spamela> Player {IUS}Zaharia is no longer a spectator.
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> easy there little fella
<spamela> Connected: FZ|ThePiaf from France
<spamela> Connected: Menno from Netherlands
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> haha
<spamela> Disconnect: FZ|ThePiaf
<spamela> Disconnect: oldgit
<spamela> <Kastra> lol plates in the cuboard but there'll never be seen
<spamela> Player {IUS}Zaharia is now a spectator.
<spamela> Player {IUS}Zaharia is no longer a spectator.
<spamela> Disconnect: Menno
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ok
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> 9 ani 12:00 your
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> 12:00 ?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> 19:56
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> 9 an da
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> eu am 24
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> 20:000
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> 20:00
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> 10:56
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> 19:56 oh
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> 19:57
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> opt fara 4 minute
<spamela> Connected: Will from United States
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> bye 10:00 tu bye ?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> eu stau cat vreau
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> 10:00 11:00 your tu yes vreau stau
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> a, eu nu mai stau mult
<spamela> <Kastra> ?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> bye 10:00
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> he's asking how long i'll be staying
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> bye 11:00
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> yes
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> 10 sau 11?
<spamela> <Kastra> oh ok
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> your have no verg
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> what is verg?
<fantasticulous> @// verginity?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> verg sorry
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> verg no what......
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> can you find another word?
<spamela> Connected: tombo from Slovenia
<spamela> Connected: cata from Romania
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> work?
<spamela> Connected: [8-Bit]Tonberry from Canada
<spamela> <[8-Bit]Tonberry> Hey, could you send>
<spamela> Disconnect: cata
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> what work ?
<spamela> <[8-Bit]Tonberry> Please?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ok
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> hahaha
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> nu stiu
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ...
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> kills notl ol n00b stop
<spamela> <[8-Bit]Tonberry> Woh, neat?
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> xD
<spamela> Disconnect: Will
<spamela> Connected: oldgit from United Kingdom
<spamela> Connected: eBeatYou|C2 from Norway
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ..
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> :)
<spamela> <eBeatYou|C2> hello
<spamela> <eBeatYou|C2> Im Getting (Downloading Map)
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> i have to go
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> bye zaharia
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> bb
<spamela> <[MH]vampirefrog> mananc ciorba
<spamela> Disconnect: [MH]vampirefrog
<spamela> Disconnect: eBeatYou|C2
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ........
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> sorry
<spamela> <[8-Bit]Tonberry> Is this a Roleplay Map?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> map no fukmap
<spamela> <[8-Bit]Tonberry> What are you saying?
<spamela> <Kastra> old git i did some more on that sinkhole map
<spamela> <[8-Bit]Tonberry> Oh, oldgit is here.
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> map now fukmap thx some did
<spamela> <oldgit> cool but i dont think we are going to get a look
<spamela> <oldgit> hi
<spamela> <Kastra> diff server?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> server ?
<spamela> <Kastra> hypertriangle?
<spamela> <oldgit> ok
<spamela> <oldgit> frog mod
<spamela> Disconnect: [8-Bit]Tonberry
<spamela> <Kastra> yeah just connect hypertriangle'com
<spamela> Disconnect: Kastra
<spamela> Disconnect: tombo
<old-git> join @hypertriangle
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ))
<spamela> Connected: fox from Germany
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> televilor your
<spamela> Disconnect: fox
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> televizor
<fantasticulous> @// he means television
* tomek ( has joined #hellserver
* Q gives voice to tomek
<old-git> wat where is hyper triangle
<fantasticulous> old-git, type /join #hypertriangle
<old-git> ty
<spamela> Connected: [<3Raloo]Domi from Germany
<spamela> Map: {IUS}Zaharia (coop edit)
<spamela> Connected: [AK]pwned from Germany
<spamela> <[AK]pwned> HELLO!!
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> hi
<spamela> Player [AK]pwned is no longer a spectator.
<spamela> <[AK]pwned> you now
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> don't or /getmap
<spamela> <[AK]pwned> ohh moment  i must go for a litle time
<spamela> Disconnect: [AK]pwned
<spamela> Connected: Kraiden from Italy
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> hi
<spamela> <Kraiden> hi
<spamela> <Kraiden> send
<spamela> <Kraiden> thx
<spamela> <Kraiden> ah this map
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> no
<spamela> Disconnect: [<3Raloo]Domi
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> fucked map kicked your lo lnot no so have
<spamela> <Kraiden> i havent fucked any map
<spamela> <Kraiden> hi oldgit remember me?
<spamela> Connected: [MH]wrack from Germany
<spamela> Disconnect: [MH]wrack
<fantasticulous> wack
<old-git> hi ya
<spamela> <Kraiden> oldgit?
<old-git> telo
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> can i spectator your not lol have
<fantasticulous> have what?
<spamela> <Kraiden> no now i go
<spamela> <Kraiden> just looked map
<spamela> <Kraiden> se ya bb
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> have windows lol
<spamela> Disconnect: Kraiden
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> locked ?
<fantasticulous> @info
<spamela> fantasticulous: Server info: mastermode=locked gamemode=coop edit map={IUS}Zaharia players=2 uptime=19:43:00 port=28785 rss=4168kB vsz=6384kB version=39fdad8
<fantasticulous> yes locked
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> yes
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> o.O
<spamela> Map: {IUS}System (coop edit)
<spamela> Connected: cata from Romania
<spamela> Disconnect: cata
<spamela> Connected: H2O(GER) from Germany
<spamela> Disconnect: H2O(GER)
<spamela> Connected: Malasorte from Italy
<spamela> Map: {IUS}Zaharia (coop edit)
<spamela> Disconnect: Malasorte
<spamela> Map: {IUS}System (coop edit)
<spamela> Map: {IUS}Zaharia (coop edit)
<spamela> Connected: Spyxhit from France
<spamela> Client disconnected because: kicked/banned.
<spamela> Disconnect: Spyxhit
<spamela> Mastermode is now private (3).
<spamela> Map: {IUS}System (coop edit)
<spamela> Map: {IUS}Zaharia (coop edit)
<fantasticulous> why did you kick him zaharia?
<spamela> Client disconnected because: server is in private mode.
<RaZgRiZ> aw man :(
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ?
<RaZgRiZ> i need a strmodify command
<fantasticulous> no private mode
<spamela> Player oldgit is no longer a spectator.
<spamela> Player oldgit is now a spectator.
<spamela> Mastermode is now locked (2).
<fantasticulous> yes thank you
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> no
<old-git> @who
<spamela> old-git: {IUS}Zaharia (1/master/alive/Romania) oldgit (2/spectator/United Kingdom)
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> your map clan wft
<fantasticulous> @who
<spamela> fantasticulous: {IUS}Zaharia (1/master/alive/Romania) oldgit (2/spectator/United Kingdom)
<spamela> Client disconnected because: ip is banned.
<fantasticulous> @info
<spamela> fantasticulous: Server info: mastermode=locked gamemode=coop edit map={IUS}Zaharia players=2 uptime=19:48:45 port=28785 rss=4168kB vsz=6384kB version=39fdad8
<fantasticulous> why did you kick?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> spyxhit clan master your lol now
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> -.-
<fantasticulous> no, he's not clan master
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ..
<fantasticulous> what clan?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> clan now lol your have seeeeee
<fantasticulous> i'm not in his clan
<fantasticulous> and he's not in our clan
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> no ths now lol no sorry
<fantasticulous> what then?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> sorry
<fantasticulous> please clearbans
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> The have make taci
<fantasticulous> ti-au zis sa taci?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> taci stop
<fantasticulous> ok
<old-git> does any one understand wats going on
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> taci stop
<fantasticulous> @// old-git, shoosh
<old-git> taci stop ?????
<spamela> <oldgit> unspec please
<fantasticulous> @// he's saying to shut up
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ok
<spamela> Player oldgit is no longer a spectator.
<fantasticulous> @// so shoosh
<spamela> <oldgit> ty
<spamela> Player {IUS}Zaharia is now a spectator.
<spamela> Player {IUS}Zaharia is no longer a spectator.
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ceasa
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> fun
<fantasticulous> ceasca?
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> s no
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> ceasa
<fantasticulous> casa?
<spamela> Connected: zombie from Germany
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> sorry sane sorry
<spamela> <oldgit> casa house
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> sane your lol apa
<spamela> Master server registration succeeded.
<spamela> <zombie> can u unspec me
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> lol
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> nu now llol your unspec fucmap now
<spamela> <zombie> sry what - i wont mapfuck
<spamela> <{IUS}Zaharia> i did your now go
<spamela> <zombie> can u unspec me pls
<spamela> Connected: bieneMaja from Germany
<spamela> Disconnect: bieneMaja
<spamela> Connected: FT|Mozilla from France
<spamela> Disconnect: FT|Mozilla
<spamela> <zombie> unspec me pls
<spamela> <zombie> pls unspec me
<spamela> Connected: marcocorriero from Italy
<spamela> <marcocorriero> hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
<spamela> <marcocorriero> zahariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
<spamela> <oldgit> hi
<spamela> <oldgit> hink he gone afk
<spamela> <marcocorriero> zaharia
<spamela> Disconnect: zombie
<spamela> <marcocorriero> zaharia
<spamela> Connected: SanderCohen from Romania
<spamela> <SanderCohen> hi
<spamela> <SanderCohen> send map please
<spamela> <oldgit> think master afk
<spamela> <SanderCohen> huge place
<spamela> <marcocorriero> zaharia
<spamela> <marcocorriero> zaharia
<spamela> <marcocorriero> zaharia
<spamela> <marcocorriero> zaharia
<spamela> <marcocorriero> zaharia
<spamela> <marcocorriero> zaharia
<spamela> <marcocorriero> zaharia
<spamela> <marcocorriero> zaharia
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: SirAlex on July 21, 2010, 11:37:29 PM
So why are you trying to spy on him?
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: Apollo on July 22, 2010, 01:23:30 AM
I was just reading, and thinking.
What if he knows a different language, and Some English words with the same meanings. The problem could be that he is arranging the words as he would in his other language. Some languages are laid out a bit different. ( the reason that direct translation usually fails )


Can i good job english understanrt boss lol FT-gaming yeah ?

Minor re-ording

(I can) (good job) (understand English) (?)

I'm thinking that might be something like:

"Is my English good?" or "Can you understand my English?"
"I can understand English good"
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: vampirefrog on July 22, 2010, 01:36:53 PM
Quote from: SirAlex on July 21, 2010, 11:37:29 PM
So why are you trying to spy on him?

just trying to figure out what he's saying
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: Apollo on July 22, 2010, 07:11:15 PM
I spent about three hours researching possible disorders that could cause improper ordering of words.
Dyslexia seems to be more visually based.

I would imagine ( if anything at all ) it could be a cognitive disorder related to the arrangement of complete words, or simply thoughts of actions in ones mind. ( Implying that it could happen when said person speaks too ) I cannot find the name for such, but I can almost guarantee it's existence.
Somebody told me it Could be A.D.D. but I can't find significant information to link it. Considering I'm going on almost nothing.

But that's a wild guess. =^.^=  <-- Kitty 
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: vampirefrog on August 30, 2010, 03:31:54 PM
Quote from: Jim Dandy on 30.08.2010 15:12
<spamela> MS|Zaharia{E} connected
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> Hi
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> Hello Nigno
<spamela> <Nigno> hi
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> kill yes or no ?
<spamela> MS|Zaharia{E} is no longer a spectator
<spamela> <Nigno> map mod ???
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> mode ?
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> gclht me ?
<spamela> <Nigno> insta turbine ???
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> ok
<spamela> master forced instagib on map turbine
<spamela> <Nigno> go
<spamela> <Nigno> a
<spamela> <Nigno> phone
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> ?
<spamela> <Nigno> go
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> lagger
<spamela> |DM|Eustass connected
<spamela> <|DM|Eustass> he's npot a lagger
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> n1
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> awft
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> hack
<spamela> <|DM|Eustass> omfg
<spamela> <|DM|Eustass> stfu noob
<spamela> evil connected
<spamela> evil left
<spamela> Ratantan connected
<spamela> Ratantan left
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> omg
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> aff
<spamela> hoanglenhuthai connected
<spamela> hoanglenhuthai left
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> gg
<spamela> <Nigno> gg
<spamela> <|DM|Eustass> gg
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> xD
<spamela> |DM|Eustass is no longer a spectator
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> map ?
<spamela> hoanglenhuthai connected
<spamela> <|DM|Eustass> ot
<spamela> hoanglenhuthai left
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> ot
<spamela> master forced instagib on map ot
<spamela> Nigno is now a spectator
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> hack ?
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> out 1
<spamela> <|DM|Eustass> rage?
<spamela> <|DM|Eustass> still say hack and will kick u
<spamela> <|DM|Eustass> learn to play
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> hack -.-
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> downalod
<spamela> <|DM|Eustass> bb
<spamela> MS|Zaharia{E} left
<spamela> Client ( disconnected because: kicked/banned
<spamela> <|DM|Eustass> u loser
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: SirAlex on August 30, 2010, 04:55:18 PM
More weird stuff. Looks like he brought his friend.
09:11 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} claimed main master.
09:11 < hypertriangle> Mastermode is now locked (2).
09:11 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> killcam
09:11 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> sendmap pls ?
09:12 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: Killcam(0)
09:12 < hypertriangle> Connected: |WoH|Tigris(0)
09:13 < hypertriangle> Map: Call (coop)
09:13 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: |WoH|Tigris(0)
09:18 < hypertriangle> Connected: hbk(0)
09:19 < hypertriangle> <hbk> sendmap pliz
09:19 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:19 < hypertriangle> hbk is getting the map.
09:19 < hypertriangle> <hbk> im from romania
09:19 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> da
09:20 < hypertriangle> <hbk> si eu
09:20 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> ?
09:20 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> wait
09:20 < hypertriangle> <hbk> ma lasi terog sa joc
09:20 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> jocuri Call ?
09:20 < hypertriangle> <hbk> da
09:20 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> ty
09:21 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dotn unspec ?
09:21 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> yes or no ?
09:21 < hypertriangle> <hbk> yes
09:21 < hypertriangle> hbk is no longer a spectator.
09:21 < hypertriangle> <hbk> thx
09:21 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> np
09:21 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> addbot ?
09:21 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dotn addbot Die killer ?
09:21 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> yes or no ?
09:22 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dotn addbot Die killer ?
09:22 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> yes or no ?
09:22 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> hi
09:22 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dotn addbot Die killer ?
09:22 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> yes or no ?
09:22 < hypertriangle> <hbk> no
09:22 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> y
09:23 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> -.-
09:23 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> mapcuker now
09:23 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> MapFuker now
09:24 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: hbk(0)
09:26 < hypertriangle> Connected: Johnny25(0)
09:27 < hypertriangle> Johnny25 is getting the map.
09:27 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: Johnny25(0)
09:27 < hypertriangle> Connected: Johnny25(2)
09:27 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:27 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:27 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:27 < hypertriangle> Johnny25 is getting the map.
09:28 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:28 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: Johnny25(2)
09:28 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:28 < hypertriangle> Map: Call (coop)
09:29 < hypertriangle> Connected: SCAR|micheil(0)
09:29 < hypertriangle> SCAR|micheil is getting the map.
09:29 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: SCAR|micheil(0)
09:30 < hypertriangle> Connected: Johnny25(0)
09:30 < hypertriangle> Johnny25 is getting the map.
09:31 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: Johnny25(0)
09:42 < hypertriangle> Connected: CakeAuSperme(0)
09:42 < hypertriangle> <CakeAuSperme> hey
09:42 < hypertriangle> <CakeAuSperme> sendmap?
09:43 < hypertriangle> CakeAuSperme changed his name to Calinou.
09:43 < hypertriangle> Calinou has logged in from ingame as Calinou
09:43 < hypertriangle> Calinou is no longer a spectator.
09:43 < hypertriangle> <Calinou> sendmap.?
09:44 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: Calinou(0)
09:52 < hypertriangle> Connected: {FF}epicman{R}(0)
09:53 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> hi
09:53 < hypertriangle> {FF}epicman{R} changed his name to {FF}epic{sgt}.
09:53 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epic{sgt}> un spec plz
09:53 < hypertriangle> {FF}epic{sgt} is no longer a spectator.
09:53 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> y
09:54 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} is now a spectator.
09:54 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> {FF}Epic
09:54 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:54 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epic{sgt}> what
09:54 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> type /getmap
09:54 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} is no longer a spectator.
09:54 < hypertriangle> {FF}epic{sgt} is getting the map.
09:55 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epic{sgt}> wth
09:55 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> come
09:55 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: {FF}epic{sgt}(0)
09:55 < hypertriangle> Connected: {FF}epicman{R}(0)
09:55 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> sory
09:55 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> yes
09:55 < hypertriangle> {FF}epicman{R} is getting the map.
09:55 < hypertriangle> {FF}epicman{R} is no longer a spectator.
09:56 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}>  im gunna ad some wall
09:56 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> oky
09:56 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> call od ty 2 ?
09:57 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> what?
09:57 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dont by MS|Zaharai{E} Call of duty 2
09:57 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> lol
09:58 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> :)
09:58 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> esti german ?
09:59 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> im not germen
09:59 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> ty
09:59 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dont cft savemap on
10:00 < hypertriangle> Master server registration successful
10:00 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> this is amoury
10:00 < hypertriangle> Connected: |WoH|M3nth3m(V)(2)
10:00 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: |WoH|M3nth3m(V)(2)
10:01 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dont F2 what ?
10:03 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> spawn bots plase
10:04 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> bab guys!
10:04 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> bye
10:04 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dont
10:04 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> Nice
10:04 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> Kiss
10:04 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> use that for bad guys
10:06 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> dered
10:06 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> ahhh! its a boss
10:07 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> xD
09:22 < hypertriangle> <hbk> no
09:22 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> y
09:23 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> -.-
09:23 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> mapcuker now
09:23 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> MapFuker now
09:24 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: hbk(0)
09:26 < hypertriangle> Connected: Johnny25(0)
09:27 < hypertriangle> Johnny25 is getting the map.
09:27 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: Johnny25(0)
09:27 < hypertriangle> Connected: Johnny25(2)
09:27 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:27 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:27 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:27 < hypertriangle> Johnny25 is getting the map.
09:28 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:28 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: Johnny25(2)
09:28 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:28 < hypertriangle> Map: Call (coop)
09:29 < hypertriangle> Connected: SCAR|micheil(0)
09:29 < hypertriangle> SCAR|micheil is getting the map.
09:29 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: SCAR|micheil(0)
09:30 < hypertriangle> Connected: Johnny25(0)
09:30 < hypertriangle> Johnny25 is getting the map.
09:31 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: Johnny25(0)
09:42 < hypertriangle> Connected: CakeAuSperme(0)
09:42 < hypertriangle> <CakeAuSperme> hey
09:42 < hypertriangle> <CakeAuSperme> sendmap?
09:43 < hypertriangle> CakeAuSperme changed his name to Calinou.
09:43 < hypertriangle> Calinou has logged in from ingame as Calinou
09:43 < hypertriangle> Calinou is no longer a spectator.
09:43 < hypertriangle> <Calinou> sendmap.?
09:44 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: Calinou(0)
09:52 < hypertriangle> Connected: {FF}epicman{R}(0)
09:53 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> hi
09:53 < hypertriangle> {FF}epicman{R} changed his name to {FF}epic{sgt}.
09:53 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epic{sgt}> un spec plz
09:53 < hypertriangle> {FF}epic{sgt} is no longer a spectator.
09:53 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> y
09:54 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} is now a spectator.
09:54 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> {FF}Epic
09:54 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} has sent the map.
09:54 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epic{sgt}> what
09:54 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> type /getmap
09:54 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} is no longer a spectator.
09:54 < hypertriangle> {FF}epic{sgt} is getting the map.
09:55 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epic{sgt}> wth
09:55 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> come
09:55 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: {FF}epic{sgt}(0)
09:55 < hypertriangle> Connected: {FF}epicman{R}(0)
09:55 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> sory
09:55 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> yes
09:55 < hypertriangle> {FF}epicman{R} is getting the map.
09:55 < hypertriangle> {FF}epicman{R} is no longer a spectator.
09:56 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}>  im gunna ad some wall
09:56 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> oky
09:56 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> call od ty 2 ?
09:57 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> what?
09:57 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dont by MS|Zaharai{E} Call of duty 2
09:57 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> lol
09:58 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> :)
09:58 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> esti german ?
09:59 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> im not germen
09:59 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> ty
09:59 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dont cft savemap on
10:00 < hypertriangle> Master server registration successful
10:00 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> this is amoury
10:00 < hypertriangle> Connected: |WoH|M3nth3m(V)(2)
10:00 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: |WoH|M3nth3m(V)(2)
10:01 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dont F2 what ?
10:03 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> spawn bots plase
10:04 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> bab guys!
10:04 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> bye
10:04 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dont
10:04 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> Nice
10:04 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> Kiss
10:04 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> use that for bad guys
10:06 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> dered
10:06 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> ahhh! its a boss
10:07 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> xD
10:07 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> dude lets kill it
10:07 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> Delete
10:07 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> aff
10:07 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> xD
10:08 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> 'boss' gahh!!!'
10:08 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> boss
10:08 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> yay!!!
10:08 <@SirAlex> @echo (who)
10:08 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> wow
10:08 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> death
10:09 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> zah
10:09 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> ?
10:09 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> lets go on a adveture
10:09 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> get all wep
10:10 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dont come healthboost
10:10 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dont come healthboost
10:10 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> 1000 hp lol
10:10 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> hp 110
10:10 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> im leader
10:10 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> lets go!
10:11 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> comeon
10:11 < hypertriangle> Connected: QuakeAuChoco(2)
10:11 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: QuakeAuChoco(2)
10:12 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> ahhh!
10:12 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> lol
10:12 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> xD
10:12 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> kiss
10:12 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> 'boss' rarararar'
10:12 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> o.O
10:13 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> how you do tath
10:14 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i dont killler now cft ?
10:14 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> what?
10:14 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> instagib
10:14 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> map savemap
10:14 < hypertriangle> {FF}epicman{R} has sent the map.
10:16 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> af
10:16 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> o
10:21 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> picked ?
10:21 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> picked 1 ?
10:21 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> picked what?
10:21 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> i did picked 1 so locked
10:21 < hypertriangle> <MS|Zaharia{E}> offer
10:22 < hypertriangle> <{FF}epicman{R}> lets battle
10:22 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: {FF}epicman{R}(0)
10:33 -!- Calinou [] has quit [EOF from client]
10:33 < hypertriangle> Map: MapSpeed (coop)
10:34 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} is getting the map.
10:52 < hypertriangle> Mastermode is now veto (1).
10:52 < hypertriangle> Mastermode is now locked (2).
10:56 < hypertriangle> Disconnected: MS|Zaharia{E}(1)
10:56 < hypertriangle> MS|Zaharia{E} relinquished master.
10:56 < hypertriangle> Server is now empty.
10:56 < hypertriangle> Mastermode is now veto (1).
10:56 -!- LavaLovinFool [] has joined #hypertriangle
10:57 < LavaLovinFool> ce faci zaharia
11:00 < hypertriangle> Master server registration successful
11:08 <@SirAlex> LavaLovinFool: you're too late
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: vampirefrog on November 18, 2010, 07:30:16 PM
Quote<spamela> MS|Zaharia{E} connected from Romania (
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> hi
<spamela> <|RaO|MR.T> hi
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> sendmap ?
<tomekgno> hi Zaharia! good to see you
<spamela> <|RaO|MR.T> it is.
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> Good jeb !
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> You hackspeed free downlado omg wow high CPU %100 Foc calculator
<spamela> <|RaO|MR.T> what?
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> SpeedHack
<spamela> <|RaO|MR.T> who?
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> just high speedhack downlaod text
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> :P
<spamela> <|RaO|MR.T> oh.
<spamela> <|RaO|MR.T> so youre a speedhacker?
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> Yes SpeedHack System 32 Now
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> Sry
<spamela> <|RaO|MR.T> wow. thats lame.
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> Go install Some Speedhack
<spamela> <MS|Zaharia{E}> g2g
<spamela> <|RaO|MR.T> why would you cheat?
<spamela> MS|Zaharia{E} left

Foc means fire btw.
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: Apollo on November 19, 2010, 03:30:46 AM
Oh my. That is really hard to interpret.   ???
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: vampirefrog on November 19, 2010, 07:47:04 PM
he was advertising speedhack which probably doesn't have to do with sauerbraten - he also says google speedhack - if you do, you find that it's some software that speeds up your computer, allegedly :P
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: Sweet on February 28, 2011, 03:36:28 PM
I've edited with Zaharia, and if I recall, he uses a Romanian-English translator. And his translator is terrible.
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: vampirefrog on February 28, 2011, 03:39:55 PM
how does this translator work? does he copy/paste or what?
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: Sweet on February 28, 2011, 03:45:24 PM
Might even be Google Translate, which is awful. I believe it's copy and paste- I haven't talked to him for almost a year. It would explain why the speech is choppy and why prepositions are missing.
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: Apollo on February 28, 2011, 03:46:40 PM
Any idea what language he's translating from?
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: Sweet on February 28, 2011, 04:03:09 PM
Well if he is Romanian, probably that. Romanian is very similar to Spanish, we could try that in Google Translate
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: Apollo on March 01, 2011, 12:04:09 AM
Oh, sorry. My mind skipped right there with that question. ;)
Title: Re: The Zaharia corner
Post by: vampirefrog on March 01, 2011, 10:42:04 AM
Well I'm romanian and I've tried talking to him in both languages and he doesn't make any straight sense. It's really hard to understand what he's saying...