i made this topic to give my opinion about the hq.
i think its cute but i find its big and full of nooby incomplete stuff .
it give a lot of lag and it look realy desorganized
my suggestion is to make a new hq
a new hq more organized, smaller and the most most important stuff like coopers and windecker
house should be coped on the new hq
i need your opinion.
dokogod :o
That was actually the idea of this one.
then this idea came out wrong :S
I like the clanmap but I also think it is a little too big although the wide view over green landscape is pretty charmant. Still I would reduce the size of the map and focus on the lake. A larger lake with some rocky islands and green shorelines around would be better than the current small lake with too much empty green space around it with some smaller buildings, that makes the hole map look scattered, imprecise, undefined.
make the water body bigger then. :) more defined and detailed. Have at er.
Btw, who has the most recent version of the HQ?
I think I will try the stuff i described in the post before and save it under mhqterrain2 or something to show you
Well, Id say feel free to make er bigger, save it under a different name. The terrain was made more or less randomly, if I recall correctly. I don't think anybody will mind very much if you make it much more bettah.
Water is the element of life so more water brings more life in the clan map ;D
I also cut a few rows on the sides to make the map a bit smaller, a little unimportant piece of hell was also cut off. I didn't pay attention to the small things the lake destroyed, it may be copied from mhqterrain (1) in case you like the basic layout of this one. :-[ There is still alot space for landbased buildings and space for own islands or beaches.
Map is attached.
Windecker, in reply to your who has the latest version:
go to a server, change the map to mhqterrain coop, and type hw loadmap
when you're done editing, send the map, then type hw savemap
Also, it's mhqterain, not mhhqterrain, short for: mapping hellquarters
I can only see half of each image, but this new lake is looking seeexy
If we could get more opinions on this lake because I really would like to add it to the Clan map.
Smaller screenshots:
can you put it on hw already and stop posting screenshots? lol
Lake added