I was looking at the old logo, and I thought perhaps I could make a new one that is a tad better than that one. The old one is grainy and basic, and really really ugly, I have come up with this new image after about fifteen minutes of work.
The image background is way to contrasty right now, but it is a start.
I am open to any suggestions for the images I make. Anybody and everybody, please feel free post what you make too.
Perhaps Vampi will see something he likes and he might use it for the forum. :]
(of cource i would post mine)
here are my logos. ;)
only if i could thumbnail them....
Blarget, I love the horizontal lines in your first image. Very subtle. I like the effect very much.
UPDATE on the 2nd image. :o
My latest banner. This one was rendered at a resolution of 8000x8000, then scaled down and cropped to 1680 by 1050x2
As an afterthought, there is far too much noise in the lower text of that one I posted.. perhaps a different font, or some more cleaning up... Open to ideas.
click it, because they are too big
New, uber cluttered Latin-ized banner. Also at 4000x4000 res. :D
http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/136/a/8/Mapping_Hell___Latin_by_Windeckerness.jpg (http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/136/a/8/Mapping_Hell___Latin_by_Windeckerness.jpg)
i like blarget's clean one (the one without the background image). can you try to make it into a page design?
* starts chanting "Do it! Do it! Do it!" *
also, uhm, blarget, i suggest you use a spell checker in your browser. it should put a red zigzag underneath misspelled words, that might help you learn to spell better :D
how would i go about making a web layout? ;) dimensions please :D
take a screenshot of the current forum layout. there are three sections i think: main page ( http://mappinghell.net/forum/ ), category page http://mappinghell.net/forum/index.php/board,1.0.html and topic page http://mappinghell.net/forum/index.php/topic,225.0.html
and then you can start modifying them with your favorite graphics editor
ohh...... i was going to just make a website background.... not all the blue bars to red or anything..... :-/