Looking for anybody willing to do vast amounts of 3D foliage models and also willing to do several alpha mapped organic textures.
If anybody is feeling up to the job for a very time consuming project, post ere.
Things needed ( if the project ever gets started )
Plenty of tree models to remove and visible repition.
Plenty of smaller plant models to cover the ground.
Broken tree and log models to cover the ground.
A few High Res organic textures to be blended to the ground to remove any visible tiling.
Alpha mapped Vine and Leaf textures to drape from trees or rock formations.
Alph amapped Root textures ( to be applied to a flat plane ( model ) as the above ones shall be ) to hang out of the bottom of our island.
A person to normal map all the textures ( or some )
People to aide in importing skinned models.
Skilled terrain sculpters, with lots of time on their hands.
Somebody who is good with animated models for possible water falls.
and of course, we need some people who are willing to go around and manually clip the bases of the trees...
It may be a tad overwhelming.. I don't know. Give me your thoughts.
In case you haven't figured it out, the goal is to make an incredibly awesome forest covered floating island.
This spawned from vampi's post on my large CTF map topic.