
Archive => The Mega Archive => Applications => Topic started by: AlexChastain on July 11, 2009, 01:13:46 AM

Title: [Rejected] MaXiMuS join request
Post by: AlexChastain on July 11, 2009, 01:13:46 AM
greetings [HELL] members, my username is my real name but most would know you as my alias MaXiMuS/M4X1MU5, since the recentdownfall of Mx whom i think was this clans biggest foe i havnt really had any thing to do, so i am sending this request hoping to be accepted by a clan i once wanted to join, also my sister MaXiA gives you greetings skilax.

i will list all skills that you have listed that i have

*making good map layouts

*Adding details to an existing layout

*Adding tiny details to an existing object

*Knowledge of architectural structures (like brick layout, beams, pillars, stuff that goes on the inside of a wall, window shapes etc)

a few more i have and or working on where(*=good at)

circles/curves(thanks vampirefrog :D)

architectural styles

*using other tex commands such as texscroll texsize etc etc

lighting(currently not working with proceeding on curves for now)

screenies(stuff im currently working on)

i would show you pictures of maps but i lost all of my previous maps do to a faulty pc, that shouldnt happen anymore unless i forget to backup my maps
more screenies of my now complete circles, in wireframe mode
Title: Re: MaXiMuS join request
Post by: Apollo on July 14, 2009, 05:27:03 PM
Are those map shots on Xfire yours?
If so, they do look pretty good.
Title: Re: MaXiMuS join request
Post by: AlexChastain on July 14, 2009, 07:14:55 PM
yes they are mine,
Title: Re: MaXiMuS join request
Post by: Apollo on July 15, 2009, 06:29:56 PM
I the Diminish one, and the unnamed one ( same map? )
I also very much like your ability to make circles and curves. You have my vote... now for the other people to say something.
Title: Re: MaXiMuS join request
Post by: Spaceoff on July 16, 2009, 09:35:12 AM
Very nice maps... 3 thumbs up(mutant from the depths of hell must have 3 thumbs)
I'd have no problem with you joining.
Title: Re: MaXiMuS join request
Post by: AlexChastain on July 16, 2009, 04:22:58 PM
thank you :D
Title: Re: MaXiMuS join request
Post by: SkyLaX on August 19, 2009, 08:56:50 AM
So, after a quite long time  (sorry for that) I'm going to answer : I would say that your skills are ok but I remember a quite bad point that, I wish, you're going to avoid with us.  Waiting for some more answer...
Title: Re: MaXiMuS join request
Post by: AlexChastain on August 21, 2009, 11:12:46 PM
dont quite get what you mean by avoid or anything, but ive been really busy working on a concept map...ive decided not to join anyways, ive got too much on my plate right now to be in a clan, plus my gf cuts out my computer time to keep me from turning into a fatty like terl haha :P anyways, ill still be active on the forums and things....

move along, move along
Title: Re: MaXiMuS join request
Post by: SkyLaX on June 02, 2010, 08:49:03 PM
Do you still want to join ? Waiting for answers

[Request closed]