
Archive => The Mega Archive => Topic started by: Wormwood on July 05, 2009, 12:55:21 AM

Title: Map Idea Doodles / Reference
Post by: Wormwood on July 05, 2009, 12:55:21 AM
!!! Admin please move this if it should be in Thread Area !!!

Just some ideas, and a pic of beautiful entry to bldg.
The giant triangle thing i actually started, and its gaining dust.
The Tao idea is super simple CTF idea:
Each tadpole head is a high point, where the flags are; under each high area, is the opposing spawn area (a cave); these caves open to the lowest end of a long slope leading to the high end. Simple.
The walls should maybe have sniper holes, and the slopes littered with barriers, or cover from fire.
My doodles are just map shape proto-concepts.

Title: Re: Map Idea Doodles / Reference
Post by: Wormwood on July 05, 2009, 12:58:38 AM
Brainiac's Skullship from 1983 Superman comics!
This is very large, very cool, and kinda creepy.
I have more pix of this if anyone is interesed in making one.
Title: Re: Map Idea Doodles / Reference
Post by: Apollo on July 05, 2009, 04:13:13 AM
I very much like the geometric drawings. All look great.
Title: Re: Map Idea Doodles / Reference
Post by: Wormwood on July 08, 2009, 01:40:12 AM
"Fast Food Fight"
  aka Burger Town / Burger Wars / Burger Burg.
Mpa made for FFA, Insta, Team...
I've been kicking this around a while. Getting some reference and the like.

Premise: Battle between the last two remaining fast-food chains in the world.

Decscription: Formerly, an active business district, centered around a shopping plaza. Various commercial buildings, MOSTLY fast-food restaurants.
Now, completely destroyed area. Knocked down buildings, rubble covered streets, turned over vehicles, pot holed grounds, piles of decris. Half recognizable brand icons and signs are broken and/or partially buried under wreckage near thier respective buildings; along with origianl fake fast-food icons and businesses.
The two remaoning brands, fake ones, will be centered half way across the map from each other, with sniper points on thier own standing lightboard signs; with other posts in nearby locations. Shortcuts will go through linked building remains.
Sound any good?
I've doodled some silly fake restaurant brands to start.
Title: Re: Map Idea Doodles / Reference
Post by: Apollo on July 08, 2009, 04:15:08 AM
I love these! I wish I was was creative in a more laughable sense.
Title: Re: Map Idea Doodles / Reference
Post by: Wormwood on July 27, 2009, 11:27:37 PM
Inpsirational reference. Tell me these don't make you want to edit a little time away.