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Messages - ArdTheSheep

You want a computer with AMD card.  (I've noticed non-AMD cards get fucked up lighting in tess, but with AMD the lighting is like sauer but dynamic.)

I'd suggest get the computer I use for Tess, just for Tess, not bf3 or WoW. (good luck affording soma alienware.  me love me WoW max settings)

Computer I have: Toshiba Satellite.  (can't find my model on their site, they must not sell it anymore.)

But all the Satellite series are pretty good (i've tried 4 different ones.)

Max settings for Sauer, Tess, and LOTRO.   6 GB RAM, dual core, 6 second boot time, windows 8, wide screen (1600x900), light but durable.

I bought mine at Staples for around $380.
Resources / Re: Layout Methods
January 03, 2014, 08:20:10 PM
I think I'll take a break from dm maps for a couple months.  People on quad expect too much.

I'll go into SP maps now, somewhat good at scripting, and its basically a race map but with shit to kill.

The best part about SP maps: who cares about the layout, if its a race map it can have all sorts of stuff that a dm maps gameplay couldn't support.
News & Discussions / Re: Back from the dead
January 03, 2014, 04:53:03 PM
Make it black with a red skull on the top, and have it drop poo everywhere as stink bombs.
But otherwise, looks cool.
Resources / Layout Methods
January 03, 2014, 12:34:40 AM
Anyone have any advice/methods for making decent layouts?

I have 3 methods, and they haven't been working out lately.

1: spam cubes everywhere (i literally mean spam the shit out of the map), remove all but one layer of spammed cubes, make your walls, platforms, etc.

2: draw the layout on paper, then make it.

3: create the objects i want in the map, then put them together like a puzzle.

now, does anyone have other layout methods that work well?
The Mega Archive / Re: Happy New Year!
January 01, 2014, 07:14:22 AM
Let's see here...

-quit cigarettes
-finally get all A's in a semester (fucking language arts..)
The Mega Archive / Re: Happy New Year!
January 01, 2014, 03:31:33 AM
So what are your new years resolutions?
The Mega Archive / Re: fyi
December 31, 2013, 01:56:42 AM
AFAIK you're not too fond of me.  I don't see why you would care if I left or not.

Either that or I've been misinterpreting you the whole time.
The Mega Archive / Re: fyi
December 31, 2013, 12:39:51 AM
Nobody edits anymore so no point in staying with MH.
Resources / Re: Sauer Clicker
December 25, 2013, 05:38:08 PM
The codes been done for 7 days.

Just need pics for some shit, too lazy to find them.
Resources / Re: Sauer Clicker
December 15, 2013, 07:13:07 PM
Just making sure he gets the point.

This project has about 95% less shit to do than GTS does, so of course I'll be focusing on this one. 
Resources / Re: Sauer Clicker
December 15, 2013, 03:22:07 AM
Resources / Sauer Clicker
December 15, 2013, 03:19:56 AM
Download ->

We've all played Cookie Clicker before.  So I'll be making a Sauerbraten version of it.  But this one will be a mix of cookie clicker and adarkroom.

Beta 1 Notes

I posted it.

generating works.

1st shitty upgrade, called Shitty Upgrade.

thas about it.


a 'login' (saves all your data to your username, so you don't have to deal with endless endless unknown alias lookup.)

more shitty upgrades

a bank (cause i'll be making robberies, a 1/1000 chance of it happening every 5 second)

more shit to collect.  (wood, copper, tin, silver, gold, iron, diamonds, and Sauer(a shitty money type i'll be adding to my shitty script)

workers n shit to collect your shitty materials.  pretty shitty.

the option to build ShittyTown, your own shitty gui based shitty city.

more shit that attacks you and steals your shitty shit.

and mroe shit when i think of it.

Expect new updates regularly.  (its took like 2 minutes to throw the basic of the script together, so dont expect a whole lot when you open that pastebin.)
News & Discussions / Re: rough internet connection
December 13, 2013, 12:11:46 AM
Quoteyou can't just complain. do something and lead by example

You can't just play Minecraft.  Get on Sauer and lead by example. 

I'm not trying to be rude here, but don't tell me to do something that you don't do yourself.
News & Discussions / What do you really do around here?
December 12, 2013, 06:19:03 PM
Seriously, does anyone legitimately map (more than or equal to 4 hours a week) anymore?

News & Discussions / Re: rough internet connection
December 12, 2013, 06:13:27 PM
Quote from: vampirefrog on December 12, 2013, 01:23:12 PM
Quote from: Suicizer on December 12, 2013, 12:57:11 PM
Not a big deal. It's not like we act as a typical mapping clan. Most members do anything except mapping or even reply on the forums at the moment. Yea, we died...

Sui, I won't have that attitude. Please reprase more positively.

The 'Not a big deal' part I would agree with Vampi calling it rude.  How would you like if your website was attacked and your ISP didn't tell you anything?

But I agree with Suicizer on the other 3 sentences.  This is what I've been saying for months.  There isn't mapping anymore, mostly just gaycraft and forum posts.
Projects / Re: Boost Activity
December 02, 2013, 11:09:09 PM
I've started plenty of ideas for clan maps, yet nobody gives a fuck.  So just as Sui said, which I was actually gonna say,  make up your own shit since nobody cares anymore.  This clan is on the edge of death, if not already falling.

Resources / Re: Grand Theft Sauerbraten
November 17, 2013, 01:54:53 AM
More of, on hold until I feel like completing it.  (which shouldn't be too much of a wait, as I do sauer stuff frequently.)
Resources / Re: Grand Theft Sauerbraten
November 16, 2013, 05:44:11 PM
This was more a missions/cubescript new modes mod that i was gonna add with PPST.

If you want cars in sauer, go ask eihrul and he might add them in tess.

A lot of my shit is on hold, 1: school, 2: lazy, 3: because i only do sauer stuff when im in a sauer mood
Maps / Re: Teh Club
November 16, 2013, 06:50:18 AM
Suicizer: 'ardelic'

Me: 'Saucijzer'

We're even now.
Maps / Re: Teh Club
November 14, 2013, 12:55:36 AM
It's not that I hate it, it just makes me mad that some people (in this case you) are so damn stupid that they can't find the 'o' key on their keyboard.
Maps / Re: Teh Club
November 13, 2013, 06:34:52 AM
I've already finished it.  Too lazy to upload it, calm down Saucijzer.
Maps / Re: Teh Club
October 27, 2013, 10:09:30 PM
While browsing for better pictures of the malibu, I came across this.  So I'll be making this first.  blahmap #4 is too big to be playable, for now at least, so it will be an artistic map.

this is a place in Tunis, Tunisia, and dust2 seems to be the only map similar to it, except being sandy instead of white.
Maps / Teh Club
October 27, 2013, 07:01:43 AM
I think I'll make the malibu club from vice city.

Should have it done by tomorrow.

System Specs / Re: Amd/Nvidia galaxy evo setup
October 09, 2013, 02:30:35 AM
System Specs / Re: Amd/Nvidia galaxy evo setup
October 08, 2013, 01:34:26 AM
Quotecompiles Red Eclipse in 22 seconds after a `make clean' lol.

In other words, cool fan.  Though you can't survive /while 1.
The Mega Archive / Re: Chatting Hell?
October 02, 2013, 05:24:54 AM
the chatting hell thing is at the bottom left corner of the page for me
Resources / Re: Grand Theft Sauerbraten
September 30, 2013, 04:44:39 AM
Rewrote it.  Again.

Updates this time: all 'clearsleep' commands have been removed. 

Happy now Raz?
The Mega Archive / Re: Forum is dead?
September 30, 2013, 03:29:38 AM
QuoteRather read the title and answer it once more.

* ArdTheSheep reads title

"Forum is dead?"

lets see....



you know i'll have to think about this for a while.  i'll be back in 5 minutes.

........ 5 minutes later

hm.... damn.. this is a pretty hard question...... uhm

uhm ....


yes.  it's dead.

Yes thats from the first page, which is why I posted it.  Really there's no logic in this whole post you can just ignore it.

But, yes the forum is dead.  Maybe because, people look at the thread title, and instantly lose all fucks that they had to give.  This is why the forum is dead.

Also because there's nothing to read really, making the comment above invalid.
Resources / Re: Grand Theft Sauerbraten
September 28, 2013, 11:58:11 PM
For the clearsleep problem, I either plan on 1: learning how to stop just 1 script, or 2: add a command for all of the mods core scripts, and a guitab where people and add their scripts into the main gts command.
EXAMPLE: maingtscommand = [dynfrags; dyncoins; dynplatinumcoins; $personalscript1; $personalscript2; $personalscript3; etc etc;]

I know what you mean unix, and I believe I've fixed the problem.
2 bots will no longer die at the same time, as I've discovered botbalance 0.  When the script delbot it goes 132, 131, 130, 129, and 128 - you win.  so if you kill bot 128, and there are 5 bots, then bot 132 will be deleted, and so on.

The shop is mainly to increase coin/platinum coin/xp drops, and maybe nuclear core drop rate.  (and a secret gui where you can unlock pornographic images (just kidding))

On the bright side, with the help of Raz, cop mode has been rewritten and is fully functional.  Though I haven't solved the /clearsleep problem yet, but I'm working on it.

Current list of cop mode features:

- loads a random map every time (credit to Raz on this one, for teaching me how to use "(at")
- ability to 'retry' the current map if you failed
- script no longer loops infinitely out of cop mode
- revised random map picker (credit to Raz on this one, for teaching me how to use "(at")

Coming soon for cop mode:
- for each mission you complete, the bot's strength moves up by 2.
- along with the bots getting stronger, the rewards will become greater.
Resources / Re: Grand Theft Sauerbraten
September 28, 2013, 05:46:16 PM
This whole mod is pretty much based on

You kill stuff, the end.

Plus the coins can be used to unlock more missions, increase military strength (to unlock war missions), etc.
Resources / Re: Grand Theft Sauerbraten
September 28, 2013, 02:36:16 AM
Actually, Suicizer, I have to agree with Raz now since I've thought about what he said about /clearsleep.  He has a point, as I will eventually want to run PPST and GTS at the same time, and I want to learn how to stop specific scripts without stopping everything.  I'd rather deal with Raz and actually learn something, than deal with gear4's bitching on quadro.

I fucked around with cop mode, and fixed the infinite loop problem (via clearsleep...)

Now Raz, rewrite this and show me how to make it stop just this script, and not everything (and try to make it simple, unless it literally isn't possible without some fancy scripting that i have no idea how to do).  I've tried multiple times, and yet again, I couldn't figure it out.


youlosecop = [
   if $numargs [
      sleep 100 [
         if (!= (getdeaths) 0) [
         echo "^f6You've been killed by a criminal! Mission Failed!"
         showgui copmissionfailed
         pausegame 1
      youlosecop 1
Resources / Re: Grand Theft Sauerbraten
September 28, 2013, 12:09:31 AM
Here's a demo of Cop Mode.

Anyone have opinions on it?

To start it:

first exec the cfg (well no shit)

2nd: type /showgui copmode

3rd: click start

4th: arrest (kill) all of the bots.  (they are auto deleted when you kill them)

5th: dont die.  (you can suicide, but you cant get killed by another bot)
Resources / Re: Grand Theft Sauerbraten
September 27, 2013, 09:44:29 PM
Nah, won't take that long.

I've already got a few missions completed, only took about 10 minutes.

If i worked from start to finish on ppst, it would take about 3-5 hours.  it only took forever because i kept getting distracted. 

So really, if i spent all my time on this, the whole thing could be done in a couple of days.  But i doubt that will happen as i get caught up in my work and like to test for errors all the time.  Bigger the script is, the harder it is to find errors.

You're open to contribute ideas if you want, Suicizer, though this will be 100% cubescript.  So, no cars, planes, tanks, etc.  Though some missions will ask you to steal a tank or car, but those will be imaginary tanks and cars.
Resources / Grand Theft Sauerbraten
September 27, 2013, 09:09:36 PM
As some of you know of my script, PPST (, I'll be using the same concept to create a Grand Theft Auto mod for sauer.

Interesting huh?

List of features and shit:

- you get a random amount of 'coins' per player you kill.  your coins-per-kill increases by 10 for each level you gain.
- you get 10xp per kill, and each level doubles the amount of xp required to go up a level. (100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, etc)
- there are some temporary xp boosters that will be in the store.  say, 10,000 coins for +10 xp/kill for 30 minutes.  or 20,000 coins for +20 xp/kill, etc. 
- every ten levels you gain your xp per kill automatically goes up by 10. 
- missions: assassination, rampage, challenge, war, bar, phone call, rich man, and more.
- phone call missions are a random event, and offer extremely high rewards.
- rich man mission is pretty much: find the guy with the stash
- war is a rather interesting concept here, you will need 'military strength' in order to challenge another 'fake sauer country' to a game of ctf.  if you win, you get special bonuses for owning that land.
- bar missions are acquired from completing other missions, they pretty much send you into a 'dream world', in this case, single player mode.

- a coin generator (unlockable after completing 25 missions), you click a button to get free coins! no click limit either, though the amount generated is fairly low. (amount generated is increased by 5 per level attained.  you can also purchase a higher generation from the in-game-store)
- platinum coins are a rare drop from players (1/25 chance per kill), and can also be acquired from missions.
- platinum coins are a special currency, which can be used in the store, to bypass mission authorization, and a few other things.

- nuclear cores are an extremely rare drop (1/1000 chance per player killed), nuclear cores are used to build nukes of course.  which increase your military strength by 100,000.

- purchasable buildings that generate coins, platinum coins, and nuclear cores. (can be upgraded to generate more stuff per second, has infinite upgrades)

- challenge mode is pretty much a bot match.  but if you reach a specific frag count in said amount of time, you complete the challenge mission.

and many more things.

for now, blahmap#4 is on halt until i complete this mod, and finish up ppst. (as i've gotten a few pm's in #sauerbraten recently, asking when i was gonna finish ppst)
The Mega Archive / Re: Minecraft next-gen?
September 22, 2013, 05:44:00 AM
Now that's what they should call minecraft.