Mr.Fixxit694: trees

Started by ArdTheSheep, February 08, 2014, 05:12:11 AM

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Here are the trees.

Make it so I can: objskin trunk pic.png, and objskin leaves pic.png
I can handle the rest.

Preferred format: .obj

The textures for the trunk and leaves are included in each folder.

I'll give you credit for texturing them if you want.

Reupload them here when you're done, thanks.


There was no mesh in tree3 obj file, you need to re upload that one for me


They're still glitched, did you test them?

Or, what did you name the meshes for objskin x x.png ?


objload as2tree1.obj
objskin * Wood03.jpg

mdlscale 1500
mdlspec 50
mdlcollide 0
mdlshadow 1
mdlcullface 0
objglow * 0


md5link P C T [X Y Z]
This links two models together. Every model you load with md5load has an ID. The first model you load has the ID 0, the second has the ID 1, and so on, those ID's are now used to identify the models and link them together. P the ID of the parent model. C to ID of the child model. T name of the tag that specifies at which vertex the models should be linked. X, Y, and Z are an optional translation for this link.


Screenshots when you're done, gentlemen!



River idea for AS2:




Them trees would make a lot of paper!

You know what you can do, make a black charred texture, remove the leaves and add a flame particle to make some burning tree area.