Shadow Moses (Metal Gear Solid, map+vars)

Started by unixfreak, May 18, 2013, 01:59:20 PM

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Latest Version = r748 (August 19th 2015)
Video Tour: (r688)

Shadow Moses - Metal Gear Solid Map for Red Eclipse

Click here to download map

Latest screenshots can be found in the gallery link here:

About this project:

An attempt at making a playable version of 'Shadow Moses' (the nuclear disposal complex that houses metal gear in Metal Gear Solid). So far there's no planned limit to the maps potential size, if possible it would be awesome to rebuild most of the entire island (i'd probably need some help with that!).

The main idea, is to only use assets that are included in the RE release, for the sake of being able to simply /sendmap and play with people who haven't downloaded any additional content. Such as vscaling/vrotating many textures to emulate certain patterns where a matching texture does not exist. The scale/ratio doesn't have to be a perfect copy-for-copy from the PSX version, as long as the atmosphere is close enough to be easily recognized, then the goal is reached. this is not a map designed for any Red Eclipse specific game mode (such as deathmatch), it's more of a place to explore and admire.

Completion Status:
Dock  = Finished
Heliport = Finished
Hangar = Finished (excluding small rooms)
Hangar B1 = 25%
Hangar B2 = 20%
Canyon = Finished
Nuclear Weapon Storage Facility = Finished
Commanders Room = 10%


(note: weapon config files are removed at the moment, outdated and broken)


Map and contents is CC-BY-SA (reverted since r637)

unixfreak (almost everything at this time)
SniperGoth >DooM<  (smoke/atmosphere particles on the helipad)
Greaserpirate (fine tuned alot of weapon vars)


NOTE: This has been edited/built using the current svn branch of Red Eclipse. As of r637 the map has been edited using r6550 of red eclipse, so it should be compatible with v1.4 of the game too. If there are any strange glitches, try using the latest svn version of red eclipse.
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Old screenshots.
r637 screenshots:

(gallery link )

Old Screenshots:
r475 screenshots:

(gallery link )

r559 screenshots:

(gallery link )

Editing Resources
This post is a collection of screenshots & radar maps for reference.

Radar map of shadow moses:



Radar map of Hangar B1:

Radar map of Hangar B2 (armoury):

64bit PSX Emulator:

Very useful for looking around in the actual game using snake's scope!

Misc Screenhosts:
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Opinions on scaling/gridsize?

Just scaled down the entire map by one gridsize, and it seems "right" but wondering what someone else thinks. Heres 2 screenies showing example:
They're both with actorscale set to 1.0.

Half gridsize

Current gridsize

I'm leaning towards the half gridsize as the scale seems alot closer. Only problems i can see are that air-vents need to be raised by about 25% and then you can't crawl under the truck (truck isn't an issue, not really needed to be crawled under). Of course if i choose half gridsize, gunna need to re-scale alot of textures and re-do some geometry that was using "smallest" cubes.
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Okay, decided to go ahead and rescale the entire map (one gridsize smaller). Some details have been lost due to gridsize changes on the smallest cubes (eg: staircase railing), and i've almost finished vscaling most of the textures to fit the new map scale.

Can't crawl under the truck
Some areas are less open
Ventilation shaft's are square (height change)

More flow
Accurate playermodel/environment scale
Feels better from a visual standpoint.

Will upload the files after i've finished updating the configs.  :P (maybe a few hours if i get round to it)

------------------- edit ----------------

UPDATED: r296 (3rd July 2013)

* actor/map scale fixed
* some weapon var improvements
* heliport 98% done
* weather effects updated
* air vents accessible
* waypoints fixed

[attach=1]  [attach=2]

Next part (has a rough layout already) is the Tank Hangar!
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Tank Hangar started:

Didn't take long to get the scale (almost) right. Textures fitting?


Haven't got time to upload map data (about ~r350 now), i'll try tomorrow.

-----  EDIT ------

Updated attachment to r346.

* vscale fixes
* sunlight lighting improvement
* snow is more dense
* started tank hangar
* many small bug/geometry fixes

Vars updated also:
* rifle fires more rapidly, but less damage.
* sword improved (reloadable cooldown)
* shotgun damage nerfed
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Updated download link to r393
*tank hangar expanded.
*weapon vars improved (check out the stun grenades, and stinger)
*all files are now in a zip archive (configs included)

Tank hangar

Closer look at the bridge/walkway details
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That map called Heliport looks promising.


Quote from: Suicizer on July 29, 2013, 10:09:18 PM
That map called Heliport looks promising.

You mean from a visual standpoint or playability?  ;)

When i've left a server up with bots and a few people at times, it seems the heliport area plays quite well for a deathmatch in terms of flow. The dock section is a little cramped though. Haven't really got playability in mind, other than being able to explore it similar to how you can in the playstation version.

At the moment it's more of a re-make / role-playing / fun map. If a whole bunch more sections get done in the future, areas like the dock will probably only have a single spawn to allow for better flow and less cramped gameplay.

Quote from: vampirefrog on July 26, 2013, 11:43:17 AM
nice catwalk

Did something i hadn't thought of before, the walking surface is all alpha material, but with "valpha 1" on the outer side texturing. I think it works well  :gaysquirrel:
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Are you going to put  rax in the basement?


Quote from: Mr.Fixxit694 on July 30, 2013, 05:19:36 AM
Are you going to put  rax in the basement?

No idea haha. If the map get's that big to start on that area.... maybe.
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Just made a quick attempt at the tank (well, hour and a half fiddling about, lol); using this picture:


How it turned out:


Needs abit of work, mostly textures and the trackwheels. Looks okay for now as a placeholder though!
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Raised the tank's height a little bit, looks better. Some more shots;
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Updated attachment to r440.
Screenshots in top post need to be updated, hopefully i'll do it tomorrow.

* Improved lighting and floor decoration in a storage room (heliport)
* Added pipe texture across the balcony (heliport)
* Lots of work done to tank hangar
* Texture fix on crates in storage room (heliport)
* Added an extra hatch to the floor of the helipad
* Sunlight lighting adjusted, a bit more brighter
* Started rough passage for air-vents (buggy at the moment)
* Tank Hangar rear wall moved in a little (next to the walkway)
* Added spotlightfx to the tank hangar
* Increased 'movecrawl' to travel faster in air-vents
* Other small things i've forgotten about

PS: Tank Hangar is still inaccessible outside of edit mode. I'm getting there though.
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Got the emulator out to get a better look at scaling, resized dimensions of tank hangar (it was a little too big), started doing the floor design tonight:

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Tank Hangar nearing completion: Main area is at least.  Still gotta do the rear wall (behind the player in screenshot) and the inside of the small storage rooms on the upper deck.


Soon, i'll start on either the snowfield (first encounter area with vulcan raven), or maybe the upper section inside the lift. Haven't decided yet.
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Just had an awesome idea, kinda funny.

Copied the existing "crate" mapmodel into vanities/box and gave all the bots "box" vanity.
addvanity 9 "box"         "box"     "tag_wings"    1


Now if only i could make a cardboard box texture.....
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back wall finished!
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Updated download to r475:
* mountains  extended on the heliport
* lower air vent (hangar) fixed
* wall details in hangar
* crane added to hangar
* started storage room in hangar
* fixed railings on walkway/bridge
* adjusted hangar lighting
* wall adjustments in hangar
* added rear side of hangar door entrance
* added level5 keycard door details

*achievement unlocked: carpal tunnel
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Short update; Started the snowfield(?), not the Sniper Wolf area, but the place connected to the tank hangar where you first fight Raven.

Finished most of the Tank Hanger, just some of the small rooms behind keycard doors need doing. Also, the upper air vent needs connecting.

* Elevator interior decorated.
* Connected keycard 5 hanger door to the snowfield(?) area.
* Started rough mountain layout for snowfield(?).

Map is at around r520 now. Will update the download link after getting the mountains clipped off.

One issue, that i can't be arsed fiddling around with is the daytime progression. In Metal Gear Solid, each level which is outside, eventually creeps from dawn to dusk. I'm going to keep the outside atmosphere to the heliport environment. As you can't dynamically change the skybox and skylighting.
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Rock on bro. Still pumping shit out, nice fucking work.
It is a profound and necessary truth that the deep things in science are not found because they are useful; they are found because it was possible to find them.


Quote from: Sauce on March 24, 2014, 04:15:10 AM
Rock on bro. Still pumping shit out, nice fucking work.

Thanks! Will do.  :D

New version;


Updated screenshots in OP post

* map enlarged / relocated
* extended dock entrance tunnel
* blendmap redone
* lots of tiny texture/geometry fixes
* tank turret now more "tank" shaped at the back
* keycard 5 laser corridor, done
* raven tank boss area started (mountains not finished)
* hangar elevator textured
* hangar b1 layout started (jail/torture chamber)
* redone environment lighting
* redone environment particles
* redone fog/fogdome/clouds
* better suited skybox

* temporary teleport chamber with quick area travel added

I haven't fixed any of the weapons for now, they are still unbalanced. I'm waiting for the weapon vars gui to be re-added in svn

Hopefully, it will be possible to have a trigger event in the elevator to open a gui floor selecter, although it's not possible right now, i rmeember seeing a request for triggered teleport activation on the Re tracker, so if that gets implemented sometime in the future.... it will be perfect for getting on the other floors easily. For now, i'm not too sure how to have a multi floor teleport that would work.

I'll add the download/zip to the top post of this thread shortly.
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Started on the Hanger B2 Floor (armoury):

Including working trapdoors that you can fall into/die! Luckily... one of the default door models fits this texture combination.
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I'm psyched to try this out. The first mapping project I ever took up was a recreation of Shadow Moses in AssaultCube. Needless to say, I bit off more than I could chew. I did make a pretty accurate Dock, though. :)
It's possible to view more areas of the minimap by using a "walk through walls" cheat code in an emulator (via PSX Emulation Cheater or an in-built cheat function.)

Metal Gear Solid [Disc1of2] (NTSC-U) [SLUS-00594]
Switchable Walk Through Walls (Press R2+Up To Turn On, R2+DownTo Turn Off) - Code Master, LiquidManZero (Pro Action Replay/GameShark)
D00B2D58 4008
80027250 002F
D00B2D58 4008
80027252 1A40
D00B2D58 1008
80027250 9CC4
D00B2D58 1008
80027252 0800

Walk Thru Walls - Code Master (Pro Action Replay/GameShark)
80027250 9CC4
80027252 0800

Metal Gear Solid [Disc1of2] (PAL-E) [SLES-01370]
Walk through walls - slab, DiamondCutter, mattomat, Violence Sam, Mr. Chemical, Vimal Hurry (XplorerFX)
8427997B EB73

Metal Gear Solid [Disc1of2] (PAL-G) [SLES-01507]
Durch Wände gehen - Nachbrenner, DiamondCutter, UL1, elend (Pro Action Replay/GameShark)
80026580 9990
80026582 0800

Metal Gear Solid Code Conversion Formulae
1.0 to 1.1:      add      00000008 0000
1.1 to 1.0:      subtract 00000008 0000
1.1 to Integral: subtract 00002780 0000
Integral to 1.1: add      00002780 0000
1.0 to Integral: subtract 00002778 0000
Integral to 1.0: add      00002778 0000


Cool, i'd love to see what you made in assaultcube. I never got the hang of the old cube engines editor.
Not too familiar with the cheathacks in emulators either  ??? Mostly i'm editing from memory, looking up some screenshots of areas for the texturing.

Hopefully i'll start expanding it again soon. Been caught up in some things lately. There's a few small changes added recently to the map, but not updated here, just some small texture/light bugs fixes and finally connected the air ducts to the hangar.

I've got a (crap-)server running the map/vars on, it should be up often.

Also, with licensing, apparently it should be fine with CC-BY-SA ? Someone on #redeclipse  asked me why i changed it to NC for "obvious reasons", apparently, map design/layout isn't copyrightable unless it's a perfect copy for copy (as in ripping the entire mesh), but because this has been built by hand, it's not the same thing. I'm not sure, but i may change it back to CC-BY-SA in the next update.
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server link i provided above has gone done for now... we had a lightning storm last week and it destroyed the hard drive (power surge on old equipment etc) and i don't have another spare computer for the meanwhile.

But, i have worke don this the past few nights. The snowfield area (not 100% sure if that's the level name -- where you first encounter Raven in the tank) has been finished.

I added another tank to look frozen and the mountains are hand crafted (no heightmaps!) which took a long time fiddling around with.
Some screenshots:

I will try to update the map in the OP soon. (currently at r600~ or so).

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tank looks good, this map is very grateful!


Updated link to r637.

* Lots of small bugged cubes / texture fixes to all areas.
* improved lighting in tank hanger
* improved skylight / sunlight
* fixed the missing fog
* completed canyon section w/ frozen tank
* added weather particles to canyon
* started corridor leading into nuclear storage
* added small lower level storage room to tank hangar
* added silly VR debug room with quick teleports (this is temporary)
* retextured vent system that connects hangar to heliport
*  vent system now fully connects on upper level
* redid some of the vscale/voffset for the tank textures to fit better.

Screenshots in OP post have been updated aswell  :gaysquirrel:
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I've been working on this again lately. Not really don alot, mostly texture fixes and some small detail changes in the hangar.
I finished the canyon, clipped etc.
Just started work on the Nuclear storage. The layout of the room is done (may have to move/shrink some walls for scale), and started some geometry like the walkway and the nuclear missiles.

When i've finished most of the texturing in that room i'll update the map download. Might not be for a while though.
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screenshots are looking great! still havent gotten around to actually play it (i know im slow :( ) but i surely will once i get my rig fixed again ^^
until then, maybe some more screens? ;D
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."


Start of the Hangar B2 (darpa chief/meryl area)

Got a nice blendmap on the canyon now

And the start of / entrance to nuclear warhead storage facility;

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Updated map download to r688  ;D

Done some more on this lately, started the vent system above Hangar B1.
Lots of small texture/sound/geom fixes all over the place. Upper vents of tank hangar retextured.
Some other things i've forgotten about, several months since i last updated the file here.

Nuclear storage area started, built the nukes, and started some of the interior rooms on hangar B2.

Also, uploaded a video showing what's been done so far:
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awesome. you should post your video on reddit or somewhere, it would get more views