Animate texture on a MD3 model using sauerbraten (can it be done?)

Started by TeddyTutu, January 06, 2013, 12:53:56 AM

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Hi guys,

I was just wondering if there is anyway to add a MD3 model with animated texture to sauerbraten? like for an example: if i wanted to add a custom waterfall to my map. I looked around first before starting this topic but didn't see anything on it. any help would be greatly appreciated


There's an animated waterfall map, i think it's bt_falls, which uses an animated mapmodel. Theoretically, this is possible.


Take a look at packages/models/mapmodels/nieb/waterfall, there are some md3's there that do just that.


thanks vampirefrog, here is the configuration line for the animate "md3anim mapmodel 0 12 2"

