My current status

Started by Lazy Kat, April 22, 2012, 06:53:04 PM

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Lazy Kat

Hey guys. (Its Garm Kralljj)
Unfortuneatly, Im not going to be playing Sauer for much longer :'(
However, Ill be posting Minecraft crap I'll be makin.
Current Project: Single Player Survival Island expansion (Will give pics after Im done of b4/aftr)
Seed: Sprite
Mods used: Pretty much just "Too Many Items & Mod-loader"
So far, Im close to finishing pt. 1 of the build. Ill be working on it alot.
Im not using creative on this build, but will be willing
to make other more EPIC builds w/ creative.
Any suggestions for future builds will be accepted andIll be waiting for feedback, when I post the "map".
Meowy Chwysmiss



Garm, I suggest posting stuff you've done instead of stuff you're going to do.

Lazy Kat

Quote from: vampirefrog on April 22, 2012, 10:29:30 PM
Garm, I suggest posting stuff you've done instead of stuff you're going to do.
Fuck off. Im sticking with this shit. Besides, I've already started not only the project but started to get decent with commitment.

Heres the plan for the project:

Part one: main island landscape + buildings (done)
Part two: Lower landscapes (getting materials)
Part Three: Other buildings/features (Coming soon)

Will now take some screenies of what I have.
Meowy Chwysmiss

Lazy Kat

Meowy Chwysmiss


Quote from: TheBuilder on April 22, 2012, 10:42:40 PM
Quote from: vampirefrog on April 22, 2012, 10:29:30 PM
Garm, I suggest posting stuff you've done instead of stuff you're going to do.
Fuck off. Im sticking with this shit. Besides, I've already started not only the project but started to get decent with commitment.

Heres the plan for the project:

Part one: main island landscape + buildings (done)
Part two: Lower landscapes (getting materials)
Part Three: Other buildings/features (Coming soon)

Will now take some screenies of what I have.

Garm, I will say this again, for your own benefit. This is the site of Mapping Hell. Vampirefrog hosts this site.

Here's a little list of what you are doing wrong, since you've forgotten.

-Spamming our boards with ideas that you never complete

-Spamming our board in general

-Getting offended when we tell you to stop

If you do not stop spamming, I will remove your account. I appreciate that you share ideas. But maybe telling Vampi to fuck off was a step too far.


Quote from: TheBuilder on April 22, 2012, 06:53:04 PM
[...] Im not using creative on this build [...]


Lazy Kat

Quote from: Sweet on April 22, 2012, 11:49:14 PM
Quote from: TheBuilder on April 22, 2012, 10:42:40 PM
Quote from: vampirefrog on April 22, 2012, 10:29:30 PM
Garm, I suggest posting stuff you've done instead of stuff you're going to do.
Fuck off. Im sticking with this shit. Besides, I've already started not only the project but started to get decent with commitment.

Heres the plan for the project:

Part one: main island landscape + buildings (done)
Part two: Lower landscapes (getting materials)
Part Three: Other buildings/features (Coming soon)

Will now take some screenies of what I have.

Garm, I will say this again, for your own benefit. This is the site of Mapping Hell. Vampirefrog hosts this site.

Here's a little list of what you are doing wrong, since you've forgotten.

-Spamming our boards with ideas that you never complete

-Spamming our board in general

-Getting offended when we tell you to stop

If you do not stop spamming, I will remove your account. I appreciate that you share ideas. But maybe telling Vampi to fuck off was a step too far.

I already know that just saying "sorry" is going to fix this. I will stop spamming, in fact I have not been on the site for a while, because I've been busy with my REAL LIFE. I rage, that's my style. Forgive my 'puny brain' that lacks an actual vocabulary.

Pup, I started this a few days ago (maybe a week) and Ive been on this as my ONLY M.C. world. It is in survival mode, and will be continued as survival.
Meowy Chwysmiss


>survival mode
>screenshots show no health bar/ hunger bar.

Lazy Kat

I used creative to fly and get the pics
Meowy Chwysmiss



Wait... can you even change what mode the map is on? xD I think the mode you choose at the beginning is the mode you stick with.
Quote from: Pupskuchen on April 24, 2012, 02:48:04 PM
Tom the builder
*Bob the builder :P


Quote from: Zoocata on April 24, 2012, 04:40:15 PM
Wait... can you even change what mode the map is on? xD I think the mode you choose at the beginning is the mode you stick with.
Quote from: Pupskuchen on April 24, 2012, 02:48:04 PM
Tom the builder
*Bob the builder :P

no no, I mean Tom. Bob is too mainstream


is tom the one with talking tools?


Quote from: Sweet on April 22, 2012, 11:49:14 PM
Quote from: TheBuilder on April 22, 2012, 10:42:40 PM
Quote from: vampirefrog on April 22, 2012, 10:29:30 PM
Garm, I suggest posting stuff you've done instead of stuff you're going to do.
Fuck off. Im sticking with this shit. Besides, I've already started not only the project but started to get decent with commitment.

Heres the plan for the project:

Part one: main island landscape + buildings (done)
Part two: Lower landscapes (getting materials)
Part Three: Other buildings/features (Coming soon)

Will now take some screenies of what I have.

Garm, I will say this again, for your own benefit. This is the site of Mapping Hell. Vampirefrog hosts this site.

Here's a little list of what you are doing wrong, since you've forgotten.

-Spamming our boards with ideas that you never complete

-Spamming our board in general

-Getting offended when we tell you to stop

If you do not stop spamming, I will remove your account. I appreciate that you share ideas. But maybe telling Vampi to fuck off was a step too far.

Listen, it's all good, it doesn't matter who hosts the forum, it gives no extra authority. Garm just seems lonely and attached, it's all good, that's what the internet is for. If you want him banned, have a vote.

Garm, maybe you can find a minecraft community, cause as far as I know, MH isn't about minecraft, though it might be a nice idea to expand. Anything that brings more opportunities and creative people in is nice.

Maybe we could expand to minecraft, I dunno. Make some maps (buildings? I have no idea how that thing works), post pictures and downloads, make some extra forum sections if needed, go nuts. We'll host them, we can also host a minecraft server, and we can also make some sort of multi-server configuration, so I'm not the only one hosting a server. There are intelligent solutions that allow us to take advantage of server location, available resources, maximize uptime and so on. These are just some expansion ideas.

So go ahead and post your MC stuff, TheBuilder, but if most people disagree with that, you'll have to comply, I guess. I'm alright with it.

It's tiring to see unfinished stuff, always solicits you to fill in the blanks, it's much easier to appreciate something that's finished and something that has been worked on with love.


I can host one (ore more) minecraft servers (already doing it while playing on it with friends) - if somebody wants to, 24/7
Bukkit. with World Edit


i say yes to expand to minecraft. i also run a bukkit server -


My hate for minecraft is monumental. I have spoken...
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.


Quote from: Zoocata on April 24, 2012, 04:40:15 PM
Wait... can you even change what mode the map is on? xD I think the mode you choose at the beginning is the mode you stick with.

There are mods that can change the mode in-game e.g. ToManyItems

Lazy Kat

Well thanks for the feedback guys. Im afraid that vampi is right. Unfortuneatly, I not 'own' Minecraft (dont have the cash). So expanding to Minecraft w/ you guys would kinda be stupid. If its something that most of the forum members want to expand to (except yoddle), then fine. I only thought that some of you guys actually liked MC, so thas why I posted here. If I must, I'll leave MH's forums and go to the MC forums.

Ill see you guy on Sauer someday when I have my own comp.
Meowy Chwysmiss



I actually don't own Minecraft either, I used cracked servers.

Lazy Kat

Meowy Chwysmiss


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."