I need some help with a few things

Started by TeddyTutu, March 15, 2012, 07:44:50 AM

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hey guys i need some help with a few things,

1. so I'm working on making all of Ooo from adventure time and i want to make the map playable so i had a idea to split up the map into multiple maps and to have teleporters go to each map so when you walk into one teleporter it loads the new map for you, so my question was can a teleporter do this?

2. so my next problem is with a model i made, i can get the model onto cube 2 but i cant seem to get the texture on the model/ i made it with Blender and i exported it as a md3 file and i compiled it with Npherno's md3 Compiler an I'm sure the cfg file is right so if anyone can take a look and see whats wrong or link me to a good tutorial that would be awesome/ and yes i did read the cube model reference



For number #1 you can do that with level triggers. It typically works better with linear maps.
You could probably work around it with some teleport trickery to get the player to spawn in the right place.

Obviously as the map loads, your location will default to any playerstart entity. So it's hard to have mulptiple rooms if you want to player to respawn outside of each door as the "main" map is loaded again.

The only downside is that you need to load the map in SP mode, which isn't multiplayer.

I threw together an example map for you  :P
Just fire up the map with /sp mapload and walk into the door
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For #2 it looks like you are missing md3.cfg (at least, i don't see it ;p)
It should go in the same place as the model/skin files.

Say you had multiple skins you would do something like this:

md3load statue.md3
md3skin Head ./skin-head.jpg
md3skin Torso ./skin-torso.jpg

Head/Torso would be the names of two seperate entities in the blender project.

Have you tried merging all of the blender "sections" into one model before exporting?
Try selecting all the "Cube" entities with shift and then click "Join" under object properties, i'd rename it to something unique, and then use that name in the md3.cfg to apply the skin.

Look here for better explanation:
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no they arent.

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So I'm turning my work on sauerbraten into models, so i have a few questions

1. if i turned my model into a .obj model will it lag less?

2. if i export a lamp with texture on it into a .obj file how would i get the texture exported with it? i tried looking this before asking but i cant seem to find anything on it but this: "writeobj" command now exports texture assignments

any help would be great!


Lets make a map together Mr. Fix it. I'll help you with a layout, and we can come up with something cool.
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