Started by Sweet, February 02, 2012, 02:20:58 AM

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"I think it's really bad that MH members feel like they need to insult cm. Also, MH applicants and members suck at editing. And they're hypocrites."





To be with one, is to be without.



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Unix, Didn't you wen't on a rampage. Lol. You come in and edit broghan stuff. and he asked you to stop and he asked you to stop again, and finally i was forced to spec you. then you went on a rampage. Then you changed your name to [XE]Faghan|L to match [XE]Broghan|L. I have screenshot evidence. :P
To be with one, is to be without.


Someone please explain the connection between MH and CM, I know the basics but..yeh what's going on here?!?   ???


a while ago there were some rule changes in MH, and people got pissed and sir alex took advantage and made CM and everybody went there. there was some drama, and then MH slowly rebuilt itself, and I don't really know, but Sweet has some issues with those guys and keeps trolling. We're basically two separate clans right now.


I don't know why I did it. I'm done though. Let's just form a string quintet and play away our troubles.


its like tribelwars all over again....


So technically CM is like a child-clan of MH ;D


Quote from: Doom on February 04, 2012, 09:55:39 AM
Unix, Didn't you wen't on a rampage. Lol. You come in and edit broghan stuff. and he asked you to stop and he asked you to stop again, and finally i was forced to spec you. then you went on a rampage. Then you changed your name to [XE]Faghan|L to match [XE]Broghan|L. I have screenshot evidence. :P

Cool story?
I said to you and you didn't listen, i wasn't editing his stuff. But you kicked me off the server anyway while this guy was repeatedly saying i'm an asshole (i'd had a bad day), and that was before i even changed my nick! Idc if you have a screenshot, i never denied anything. Trolling doesn't work one-way, if that guy wants to make up random lies then so be it, he will get trolled back.
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I'm only doing what a friend said for me to do.
But some things you have done wasn't necessary. changing your name to Faghan in which can offend some players in sauer. What if broghan were gay? he would be offended then. idk wth was your problem :p
To be with one, is to be without.


Some random dude i never seen before said i mapwrecked his 'wall with a roof', i wasn't even touching my mouse and then starts spamming "you're an asshole" while begging you to kick me. I look back at the screen and see that, ofc i'm gunna start raging at him lol.

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Hey, Hey Check my Avatar it has corners ;D


GAHAHAHAHA. I read read the new comments on the thread.

SirAlex said : "Windecker/Quadropolis: I've known how biased quadropolis is, I really don't expect much from there. I really don't appreciate that Windecker's an admin there when he's so biased in the topics he closes."

No, SirAlex, I am not a biased person. I have no problem with peoples skin color, I have no issue with what religion anybody may choose if they choose one at all. I do not judge those for disabilities they may be born with or be diagnosed with later in life.

I Just Hate You.   =D
... and Calinou ... He annoys the fuck out of me.

Have a good day.

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put your sister and I side by side.

Heav’n hath no rage like love to hatred turn’d, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d.