[Accepted] Z3R0's Application

Started by Z3R0N1C, January 19, 2012, 02:07:55 PM

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Name : Jonas
Alias : Z3R0N1C
Age : 16
Country : Germany

How long have you been playing ?

I've been playing for 3 years.

How did you discover the game ?

I like to play editing games.. so I did google for those games and found Cube 2

What are your favorite game modes (except coopedit)? Why?

InstaGib, cuz it's a very tidy playable gamemode and perfect to test his own maps.

When are you usually online?

Everyday, when I've time.
Mostly at early evening.. don't know what time it is in your country.

Why Mapping Hell?

Because I do know almost all members of MH, I ever did want to join a good clan to take part on mapping projects and I also was asked to apply to MH. 

What will you bring to the team ?

Humor, happiness, good details and a nice texturing for your maps.


What do you prefer to do in coopedit? Why?

Creating realistic looking and detailed maps, because I do like those types of maps.

How many mapping projects did you start?

Five. (Fan| Projects)

How many maps have you finished? How many have you uploaded on quadropolis (links) ?

I did finish many maps, but mostly in a team. Not alone. Can't count them, sorry (x
I havn't any maps uploaded on Quadro yet. But I will. As example the CreepyHouse map after I've finished it.

What is your favourite kind of map ?

Realistic areas, houses ... whatever. (:
I'm also beginning to like Instagib and ctf maps.

Do you want to add something else ?

I should might talk abit about me.. So I did create the Fanatic Clan in 2010 and revived it in September, 2011.
It's just an editing clan which does also train unskilled editors.

I did upload some maps on mediafire.
Here's the link:

They aren't all finished yet..

Areafaction       ( Almost done, made with Mooeepp )
Factoryhide      ( Almost done, the pixarts are made by multiple players )
Experimental    ( Undone, I dunno what I'll be xD )
CreepyHouse   ( Undone, will take ages to finish :'D )
Medievel           ( Oldest map of them, made in 2010 )
Somestuff         ( Just some Stuff xD )

Greetings (:

Lazy Kat

It's nice to see another person making an attempt to join MH.
Meowy Chwysmiss



You can upload maps directly to the forum.


I know, but i uploaded it already before i aplied

Btw.. I'm actually doing a playable map with Garm_Kralljj


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."


Here's the dual map which i've made with Garm_Kralljj within 1 hour

It's not done.. but Garm asked me to wait for him to finish the map


Which of the maps you posted are purely your own? maybe with one or two peoples help
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.


I wrote that to the mapnames.. in the clings

Lazy Kat

Hey guys, The final update from me. There is still stuff that needs fixing, but otherwise It's good.

Oh, we did this map in about 1hour (Layout, detail, lighting, and all)
Meowy Chwysmiss


Good to see u managed to apply, Ive know you for awhile, and since ive met you, uve made very good progress to becoming a good editor.
I really like creepy house, good use of lighting and shows u know how to make good layouts (for house anyways  :P)

I personally think you will do well in this clan.
Vote: YES


The map doesn't show us your skill, but I have seen it personally before. You are also great in scripting, I'm voting yes.


Not so keen on the greyscale map, but ive known you for ages in game, and i know and can see what your can do, soooo..
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.


It is a profound and necessary truth that the deep things in science are not found because they are useful; they are found because it was possible to find them.


Join the Red Eclipse discord! https://www.redeclipse.net/discord


Yay thank y'all (:
I just wanted to say that I'm from Monday to Thursday on class travel and can't answer between this days ^^


Quote from: Z3R0N1C on January 22, 2012, 01:06:55 PM

I just wanted to say that I'm from Monday to Thursday on class travel and can't answer between this days ^^

Think you mean, I'm away from Monday to Thursday...

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.


hrmm lighting and texturing isnt very good :/ some nice geometrie but its far from done.

yea i remember the pixars but you didnt make all the houses either.

wow some really nice and playable looking geamotrie! if you finish the layout and make it playable it could be awesome :D !

no idea what u made on that map, i saw many people helping there :/

"( Oldest map of them, made in 2010 )" if it doesnt represent ur current skill u dont need to post it.
the buildings look randomly put together and the lighting isnt great either.

id prefer more complete maps for an application.

i like you and i see great potential in your map "Experimental" but your maps are very incomplete and i dont know what you made on these maps. if you would finish Experimental (and make it playable) and i,prove you lighting skills i'll look over it again ;)

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."


Many people helped on Creepyhouse? not rly ^^ There were many players on the map.. but they didn't help
Just Moep, DarkKobra and Me
Moep made the right side of the rooms, the piano, and a bit of the attic.. Kobra made the library
And the rest was done by me..

So far.. see ya on Thursday (:


Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.


-Cough Cough-, Just saw this, Hello, i'd like to remind you I helped on The Creepyhouse thingy? T_T


You made a lil Spider? xD
Alright.. if i forgot somebody just say that.. ^^


All of these maps have things in them I like- however, I don't tend to like these sorts of maps. They are all done by groups of people, and are scatterings of ideas that don't make it clear who made what. That being said, I really do like some of the things in these maps, and I'm going to assume you made them.

Unfortunately, I intend to withhold my vote. I would like to see a map made ONLY BY YOU. It doesn't have to be huge, in fact, it can be pretty small. I just want to see a map that has an original theme that resonates throughout the whole map. I want to see some lights, and good textures that work together. Again, it doesn't have to be a huge project, just something that shows me you can work by yourself and work a theme.


Make it a playable map. If you really put your mind to it, you can finnish your map in 4 to 20 hours, depending. It really depends how far you want to go with it. That being said, sometimes the minimalist approach is more appreciated. The main thing to me, is that you conceive something that looks good and is useful. It's like architecture, you're coupling aesthetics with functionality. Keep these principles in mind:

1. Lots of Height variation; avoid large flat surfaces.

2. Try not to have long hallways. If you can, try to make routes sub rooms instead of halls in most instances.

3. Avoid 1 block thick stairs, they're odd looking and don't function well.

4. Don't make rooms too narrow, and make sure you can jump under each part, without hitting your head.

5. If you can, avoid the blocky rectangular appearance(in some instances rectangular maps are acceptable, but it's especially interesting when a map is more curved and has odd angles and such). Think out of the box.

Good luck!
It is a profound and necessary truth that the deep things in science are not found because they are useful; they are found because it was possible to find them.


I'm back (:

Alright.. I'll make some playable maps.. gimme a bit time ^^


Quote from: Z3R0N1C on January 22, 2012, 10:31:39 PM
You made a lil Spider? xD
Alright.. if i forgot somebody just say that.. ^^
Yeah, I made the spiders, I also did a room of broken furniture, and if you would have carried on opening the map, would have finished the swamp that I started to try and improve by now!


Oh I'm sorry.. I've forgot that :|


Youre Maps didnt impress me so much. But Maybe the maps didn't show youre real skill. It would be nice if you would show me some stuff in game :) and I'm so happy another German guy applied :) *happines*



Nok too. I said ,,ANOTHER" German.




So.. there's the done (I hope it's done) Experimental Map


Wow, its a awesome map, great for fighting in with zero lag, Allot of nice details, i did see a few things that i would fix like:

- the light pole on the side of the wall had no light bulb
- the pipes going into the build didn't look right
- some parts of the map feels empty

all in all i think its a great map so I'm going to Vote: YES