MX and the MX Compromise

Started by Sweet, January 08, 2012, 04:45:04 AM

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Some of you may or may not know that mX|Redon has returned. As the leader of mX (after Misan left), he has decided to revive mX as a clan.

There is obviously confusion, however. I know that at least Windecker, Vampirefrog, Zoocata, and I, were all invited to mX. This membership is hereby revoked. However, you guys can reapply to mX when they get their application system in order.

There is a catch: The new mX rules state that no "multi-clanning" is to be allowed. After extensive talks with Redon, we have come to an agreement that allows MH members to still be mX members.

The MH - MX membership Clause

1. MH Members may be in mX under the following conditions

- They do not join any other clan, or take part in any other clan, other than MH and mX

- They do their best to attend the mX weekly meetings, which occur on Saturdays.

- They obey mX clan rules at all times. (Please talk to Redon or another mX member about these.)


Summary: If you want to be in mX and MH at the same time, sure that's fine. But if you are in mX, you can't be in any other clan other than MH.

Here's a friendly Venn Diagram to assist in understanding.


If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put your sister and I side by side.

Heav’n hath no rage like love to hatred turn’d, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d.



Thanks Sweet for making this thread, and I wanted to contribute by explaining a few things here from our point of view.

The rule "No multi-clanning" which we decided for has been used in mX for a long time - aside from the last year, where not more than a rather chaotic mX was left.

This is not meant to provide an impression that we think we're better than others, but simply a decision that has been making it easier for us to organize our clan the way we like to.

While of course, our clan is also focused on having fun coop session just like any other editing clan, we like to keep it organized, have regular meetings and members that spend time with the clan. As a result, mX has always counted on loyal members, and has tried to only recruit those that take their part in the clan seriously, and don't join just because it'd be cool to be part of yet another clan.

By saying that, I don't want to criticize the way you chose by allowing multi-clanning. I respect that decision and I can see how it contributes to a more open, just-fun-oriented atmosphere.

We decided for our clan to be a small group that can rely on each other, but we kept in mind that we don't want to lock ourselves down to other clans.

I think not being in the same clan doesn't keep anyone from being friends, and therefore it's written down in our rules that any non mX member that we trust is welcome to play, contribute and get their spot on our mX maps.

I'm glad we could find an agreement to deal with the problem that there's already members that are in both clans.

I also want to apologize to the ones who had their membership revoked.
The issue here was apparently that Snowy hadn't been clear about his intention with the mX invitations: He saw them as an alliance to mX, rather than becoming a member.
And we ended up with lots of people considering themselves mX, of which some didn't have the loyalty to mX we wish, so we decided retain only the very closest members before starting over.

Again, I want to apologize to anyone who might've been offended by this, and there's no one to blame for the confusion but ourselves.
As said before, you are welcome to either reapply if you really wish to be in mX, or build with us as friends if you prefer the clan freedom MH gives you.



hmm never seen mx before but then again i play offline most of the time


Quote from: Mr.Fixxit694 on January 08, 2012, 08:07:40 AM
hmm never seen mx before but then again i play offline most of the time
lolwut xD