[Canceled] thedarkone

Started by DarkFlame, April 01, 2009, 09:34:48 AM

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Hi, this is my first post and it will be brief.

I make games in GML ( http://www.yoyogames.com/ )

And I image for them and for other peoples games too.

Some of my recent games are here:
http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=399005&hl= (heavy graphics, hard gameplay)
http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=416130&hl= (low graphics, fun game :D )

Use me as you see fit

EDIT: made my avatar in paint.net, i can use that program fairly well, but i tend to stick to pixel art.



A topic i made to help others with making a few odd images for their games. Seemed to be widely appreciated.


Well then, welcome fellow inferior gmc member.
Why did you post in recruiting without;
1. a single thing requesting to actually join
2. a single post about how experienced you are at mapping in sauerbraten.
Edit: *checks postdate* Wait, is this a joke!?


1. use me as you will
2. they told me they would take anything they could get,...i suck at mapping but maybe i can draw textures?

No April fools is sickly and dumb.

EDIT: I was walking around in the temple map,...and they told me to come and post here. I said i do pixel art so they said 'show us'


Maybe I forgot to mention on my joining topic that I also have a lot of spriting experience, never thought this clan would have much use for it though.

Well, as a gmc member, I'd welcome you for being allowed in, but....
Do you actually have any experience in mapping?


Spaceoff, read http://hell.grigoriada.net/forum/index.php/topic,27.0.html

I met him in coopedit. He can help with our projects.



I was simply told to come here and introduce myself. I have just started to learn about map making and I sometimes come up with good ideas.

I also do some sound engineering,...most of the noises from the 2 games posted are completely created from scratch.
And what I cant make from scratch i can usually steal a small sound from a song and distort it to sound what I need it to sound like.

Also i found out today that our data cap doesn't really have exception for this game. I wont be on much guys, sorry.


Kermit needed a vampire cape, and teeth that actually matched:



Sure I will even fix up the full sized one...

Yeah I'm on a very small network ( http://www.primowireless.co.nz/ ) which is filling the gap in a usually dead area (in regards fibre optics) with wireless internet. This generally means we pay through the nose for a dodgy connection, its nice and quick but we can only afford a 10gb cap unlike when we lived in town we had an unlimited plan. And the provider can only afford to give about 10gb per customer anyway.

