Clan projects

Started by vampirefrog, October 21, 2011, 12:04:52 PM

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Lol? It's not a server mod. It's a source mod, that we all get and use on Jim-Dandy (when we want)

Using mods on a server won't ban us, but modifying the server itself will.


yeah. but then we should lock the server prevent missunderstanings...


I started by looking for the sourcecode for bots.
I can find the one for monsters, but not bots. any ideas on where it could be?


Addbot command is in   Sources/fpsgame/ai.cpp
Didnt look for more. I think it sends N_ADDBOT to the server (and if you put a number (int) behind the command, the bot will have that lvl)


I will start a new forum topic for Scripting Clan Projects. Post there.


Ive seen a left4dead map before and i willy liked it so I'm up for making one. also i own that copy of metal gear solid and its a great game so im also up for making that map too


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."